  • 學位論文


The Exhibition Design for History Museum of Chung Yuan Christian University

指導教授 : 朱嘉樺


現今社會除了商品之外,文化教育產業的傳播和推廣也可以透過展示的方式去體現,藉由展示的方式激起觀眾的興趣,進而引導觀眾們認識更多的知識以及學問;現今的社會趨向於精神需求的水準提升,展示的功能也漸漸成為傳遞大眾各種知識以及引導感官知覺的重要媒介。展示空間的環境設計也決定了整體的視覺效果,是展覽成敗的重要因素之一。 展示的傳達須在人、地、物三者的相互關係中發揮作用;達到傳達信息之外,與人們最重要直接有關係的即是人與空間的關係,因為即使主題不是讓人舒適,也要讓人在這個現有的空間之中感到安適。 近年來大眾對於建築物的外觀已經漸漸地能接受並欣賞非傳統一般的造型量體,國際上也越來越多的知名建築師在建築物造型方面的設計也越來越大膽創新,而這些前衛的造型也比起傳統嚴肅的造型會感受上更加有獨特性、更壯觀有活力,本創作將延續這個方向,並參考了國內外不同的案例,融入至本設計創作之中。 這種較具有藝術、活潑視覺效果的展示方式較容易運用在美術館等藝術份量較重的展覽上,但本創作計畫將此種活潑的造型運用在一般大家印象中風格較嚴謹、嚴肅的校史館展示空間上,讓原本大家印象中沉悶的校史館展示空間有別於之前不同的呈現方式;最後作品會以 3D 渲染模擬圖以及空間導覽影片的方式做呈現。


Nowadays, display is not only shows product but also promote cultural education. Cultural education can be present and promote by display, furthermore, display can impassion visitors to learning more knowledges from it. The tendency of these days, people would like to do more spiritual perspectives promoting, then display became an important ways to deliver variety knowledges to people. Another ways, visual design determine success or failure of the exhibition. Exhibition interacts with the people, the space and the events, furthermore, it convey a variety of important information to visitors. Besides to convey a message, human and the space are interrelated and interacted on each other. Although the exhibition topic is not interested people, it’s extreme important that should make visitors feel comfortable in the space. Organic construction shape is growing number of using by those well-known architects. The organic shape is different from traditional construction, nevertheless, people are gradually accepted and enjoy it nowadays. The organic construction is much more unique and magnificent as well. Continuation of the organic topic, the project referred to the conception and the design of both foreign and domestic cases. In conclusion, the project put artistic visual effects element into the traditional history museum exhibition design, looking forward to make the different of the usual style. And last, the final presentation shows space 3D video rendering.


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