  • 學位論文


A Design Discourse on Fast Fashion and Slow Fashion

指導教授 : 黃哲盛




With the advancement of science and technology, our lives are becoming more and more convenient. There is clean water at a tap, bright lights at night, and convenient transportation. It takes less than two hours from north to south in Taiwan. Everyone’s life pace is becoming more and more compact and economical. Prosperity pursues speed, which extends the fast food culture, fast fashion, and the rapid development of science and technology... and the pursuit of rapid economic growth, the massive destruction of the environment behind production and the convenience of life functions, and we begin to lose the ability to think, when the quality of life becomes more and more Well, people should slow down and start thinking, and realize that the living environment is being devastated by human beings. We should think for our children and grandchildren and give nature the most primitive appearance. This article uses the secondary data analysis method to explore the sustainable practices of fashion brands in each link of the industry chain, and uses in-depth interview content through consumers and brand-side interviewers, using a semi-structured interview one-to-one method, according to the interview Dagang conducts a preliminary interview, and then enlarges the problem according to the interview process or discusses the problems and ideas more professionally, and explores whether fast fashion is still fast fashion if it is doing sustainable design? Is fast fashion's green marketing a fundamental change or a virtual appearance? Will the emergence of slow fashion have an impact on society, and will it become a trend in the future? The interviewees were male and female consumers, as well as men's and women's brands, and discussed about fast fashion and slow fashion in the industrial chain, sustainable environmental protection practices, consumer shopping thinking mode, industrial chain and other issues. The two sides have different positions and ways of thinking. They use qualitative research methods to conduct comprehensive analysis and integration. During the interviews, they feel the changes of generations. We find the best balance in response to changes in consumer needs. We are all in this information. In the exploding era, we are adapting, conscious, learning, changing, constantly changing, and striving to leave a beautiful earth for the future.


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