  • 學位論文


Research on Usability Design of Job Seeking and Matching System

指導教授 : 廖秀莉


期望藉由e化平台服務,強化企業與學生、校友間的互動和接觸,確實提供學生及校友有感的就業關懷服務,有效率地整合來自各方的就業及職涯資訊,增加學生、校友與企業徵才求職媒合的機會。 本研究將範圍設定在中原大學的求職求才媒合系統平台上,以中原人生涯關懷網為研究個案,探討使用中原人生涯關懷網的中原大學學生及校友,根據其在使用此平台的經驗中,了解使用者的使用動機、使用經驗,希望藉由可使用性之測試,了解使用者對中原人生涯關懷網的介面設計、功能需求、優缺點及滿意度。 本研究以「使用與滿足理論」作為理論基礎,使用「個案研究法」進行資料蒐集與分析,總共訪談十四位中原大學學生及校友,整理出使用者認為一個良好的校園求職求才媒合系統應該擁有的條件如下:一、簡單清晰的頁面。二、人性化的前台操作與後台管理頁面。三、可信賴的。四、獨特優越性。


We hope to strengthen the interaction and contact between enterprises and students and alumni by e-platform service, and do provide employment and care services for students and alumni.Efficient integration of employment and career information from all sides, increase the students, alumni and business opportunities for job opportunities. This study will be set in the scope of the Chung Yuan Christian University job seeking and matching system,to the 中原人生涯關懷網 for the study of cases, to explore the use of the中原人生涯關懷網of the Chung Yuan Christian University students and alumni.According to its experience in the use of this platform, to understand the user's motivation to use, experience, hope that by usability testing, to understand the user on the 中原人生涯關懷網 interface design, functional requirements, advantages and disadvantages and satisfaction. Based on the theory of "using and satisfying the theory", this study uses the "case study method" to collect and analyze the data. A total of 14 students and alumni of the Chung Yuan Christian University were interviewed, and the users considered a good campus job search The system should have the following conditionsA simple and clear page. Second, the human front desk operation and background management page. Three, trustworthy. Fourth, the unique superiority.


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