  • 學位論文


A Study on the Model Teachers’ Modeled Sustained Silent Reading(MSSR)Program of Elementary Schools in Taoyuan City

指導教授 : 李珀


摘要 本研究旨在探討桃園市國小典範教師推動MSSR(身教式持續安靜閱讀)之經營理念與影響教師推動MSSR計畫之關鍵因素。以桃園市國民小學教師參與明日閱讀培訓之種子教師為研究對象,採「立意」取樣,從103學年度獲選為桃園市「明日閱讀」績優教師中,邀請國小組之績優教師10名為研究參與者,進行深入訪談,其研究目的在探討影響明日閱讀種子教師在推動身教式持續安靜閱讀活動之關鍵因素及其經營理念。 本研究結果歸納如下: 一、教師對閱讀的態度與價值 1.教師個人成長歷程受閱讀的啟蒙而成為閱讀的愛好者 2.教師本身對閱讀態度的堅持與熱情 3.教師高度肯定大量閱讀的力量及成效 二、典範教師推動MSSR之現況與困境如下 1.寧靜閱讀時間的規劃:既晨讀又晨掃之作息會造成時間窘迫。 2.學生的閱讀行為:在閱讀興趣及程度上皆有差異明顯。 3.取得書籍來源的管道:為經營MSSR首要克服之問題。 4.行政支援規劃:部分學校行政對MSSR之理念仍缺乏了解。 三、典範教師推動MSSR之策略之八大策略分別為: 1.增加書籍來源的管道並定期更新書籍。 2.訂定明確的閱讀規則。 3.營造溫馨的閱讀環境。 4.教師身教示範並持續陪讀。 5.依據學生的興趣及程度給予自由選書權力並引導選書。 6.進行聊書及推薦好書活動延伸閱讀興趣。 7.結合相關課程,多元的融入不同的閱讀教學策略。 8.透過班訊及各種親師互動管道,鼓勵家長經營家庭MSSR計畫 四、典範教師經營MSSR計畫之理念有三,分別為: 1.教師因對閱讀態度的堅定而自然成為學生閱讀的楷模 2.肯定大量閱讀之成效並視閱讀為班級經營重要之元素 3.建立有助於閱讀的環境 (1)書籍吸引力為MSSR成功的重要關鍵 (2)合宜的閱讀時間分配 (3)定期更新書籍、聊書、推薦好書等分享活動,鼓勵閱讀。 (4)邀請家長共同參與MSSR計畫,進一步將閱讀的種子深耕於家庭中,便 能型塑學生良好的閱讀態度及習慣。 五、影響教師推動MSSR之關鍵因素有四,分別為: 1.教師閱讀態度及具備正確經營MSSR之理念,為此計畫成功最重要之因素, 教師必須成為一位熱情的讀者,才能將閱讀的樂趣傳遞給學生。 2.學生只要能找到符合自己興趣及程度的書籍,就會願意坐下來閱讀,因 此,教師必須透過各種管道及策略增加書籍的來源及吸引力,才能滿足學 生持續閱讀的需求。 3.規律且不被打擾的閱讀時間是相當有助益的,當閱讀習慣建立後,學生會 自動的將閱讀時間延長或分配到其他可以進行閱讀的時間裡。 4.家長閱讀態度對MSSR計畫之成效具有相當大的影響力,如何有計劃地讓 家長參與至MSSR中,是促使計畫全面成功的重要關鍵。 根據上述所得之結果,提出本研究對教育行政機關、教師與未來研究之建議。 關鍵字:身教式持續安靜閱讀活動、教師閱讀態度、閱讀教學策略、閱讀環境


Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the management philosophy and success factors for model teachers from the elementary schools in Taoyuan City promoting Model Sustained Silent Reading (MSSR). The study objects comprised seed teachers participating in MSSR from elementary schools in Taoyuan City. Adopting purposive sampling, 10 recognized elementary school teachers were selected from the 2014 Taoyuan City “MSSR” model teachers as the research participants for in-depth interview. The study intends to analyze the key factors and management philosophy of MSSR seed teachers in the promotion of MSSR activities. The following conclusion is drawn from the study findings: I. The status and difficulties encountered by model teachers in the promotion of MSSR are described below: 1. Quiet reading time plans: The routines combining morning reading and environmental cleaning will lead to time distress. 2. Students’ reading behaviors: Significant difference in interests and level of reading. 3. Channels for sources of books acquisition: The foremost important issues to be resolved for the management of MSSR. 4. Administrative support plans: Some schools’ dministration will lack understanding on the philosophy of MSSR. II. The eight strategies for model teachings in the promotion of MSSR include the follows: 1. Increase the channels for sources of books and routinely update the books. 2. Develop explicit reading rules. 3. Build a cozy reading environment. 4. Teachers set an example and continue to company students with reading. 5. Empower students the freedom to choose books and guide them through book selection according to their interests and reading level. 6. Conduct activities such as discussing and recommending good books in order to extend their interests in reading. 7. Integrate with relevant courses and infuse a diversity of instructional strategies for reading. 8. Encourage parents to implement the family MSSR plan through class information and various parent-teacher interaction channels. III. Teacher’s attitude and value towards reading 1. Teacher’s personal growth and experience for nlightenment from reading that leads to the passion for reading. 2. Teacher’s attitude in the persistence and enthusiasm for reading. 3. Teacher’s high recognition for the power and effectiveness through quantitative reading. IV. The three success factors that drive model teachers to manage MSSR program are shown as follows: 1. Teachers will naturally become the model for students in reading due to their resolution in reading attitudes. 2. Recognize the effectiveness of massive reading and regard reading as the indispensable element of class management. 3. Establishment of a reading environment. (1) The attractiveness of books plays as the key success factor for MSSR. (2) Reasonable reading time allocation. (3) Routinely update books and engage in books sharing, books recommendation and other sharing activities to encourage reading. (4) Invite parents to participate in MSSR program and further plant the seed of reading in families in order to establish the excellent reading attitudes and habits in students. V. The four key factors that affect teachers in MSSR promotion are shown as follows: 1. Teachers’ reading attitudes with the correct management of MSSR philosophy is the key success factor for this plan. Teachers must become the enthusiastic readers in order to convey the fun of reading to the students. 2. Students would be willing to sit down and read as long as they discover the books matching their interests and level. Hence, teachers will need to enhance the sources and attraction of books through various channels and strategies, and consequently to meet the students’ demand for continues reading. 3. Routine reading schedule without interruption is considerably beneficial. Once the reading habit is developed, students will automatically extend the reading time or allocate to other time suitable for reading. 4. Parents’ reading attitudes also have considerably powerful influence on the effectiveness of MSSR plan. The key success factor for the plan is to schematically involve parents in MSSR plan. Finally, suggestions in accordance with the findings above are proposed to the educational administrations, teachers and future researcher. Keywords: Model Sustained Silent Reading (MSSR), reading strategies, reading environment, teacher’s reading attitudes


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