  • 學位論文

高雄餐旅大學學生生涯發展歷程之研究 以餐旅國中畢業生為例

A Research On Career Development Path Of Students From National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality & Tourism An example of Graduates from Kaohsiung Hospitality Junior High School

指導教授 : 陳紫玲


中文摘要 本研究以「國立高雄餐旅大學學生生涯發展之研究」為主題,旨在探討(一)學生就讀餐旅國中的影響因素;(二)餐旅國中畢業生就讀國立高雄餐旅大學(簡稱高餐大)的影響因素;(三)畢業自餐旅國中的高餐大學生生涯發展歷程;(四)提供建議作為餐旅國中輔導學生生涯發展參考。 研究方法採用敘事分析,共分析5位畢業自餐旅國中的高雄餐旅大學學生的生涯發展歷程。研究結果共以有下幾項結論: 一、 學生選擇餐旅國中就讀的因素為: (一)生活環境影響;(一)家人影響。 二、 餐旅國中畢業生就讀國立高雄餐旅大學的影響因素為高餐大;(一)品牌形象佳。(二)餐旅學校中的龍頭;(三)教師專業。 三、畢業自餐旅國中的高餐大學生生涯發展歷程影響因素為: (一) 生涯發展歷程中,易受生活環境及家人影響,尤其是受媽媽的影響最多。 (二) 生涯發展歷程中,在學校選擇方面易受學校品牌及形象所牽引。 (三) 生涯發展歷程中,會受實習中的環境而改變未來志向。 (四) 國中時期給予餐旅課程,可以讓學生提早發現自己的興趣所在。 (五) 高中時期就,對進入職場工作,對於生涯發展能提早做規劃。 四、研究建議: (一)建議輔導室在畢業前給予心理建設,以幫助學生能減少因環境的差異感到不適應,避免影響到人際方面的互動。 (二)高雄餐旅大學管理餐旅國中,中間缺乏高職設立,學生只好至外校就讀再轉回來高餐大,參與研究者期盼餐旅國中增設高中職,以能符合餐旅一貫教育的期望。 (三)本研究對畢業自高餐大學生生涯發展歷程僅止於大二階段,希望未來的研究者能繼續將其往後的生涯發展歷程繼續作探討,以了解整個生涯發展歷程的面貌。 (四)本研究僅鎖定餐旅國中畢業至高餐大就讀的對象為目標,未來若時間許可,應多訪談不同國中、高中畢業學生的情況。 (五)針對餐旅國中畢業生,本研究僅鎖定到高餐大就讀的學生,若擴大樣本,訪談就讀非技職體系的學生,亦能有較豐富的生涯歷程結果。


生涯發展 敘事研究


Abstract The theme of research on career development path of students from National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality & Tourism focus on four topics : (1) understanding the motivation and decisive factors for students entering Kaohsiung Hospitality Junior High School (2) understanding the motivation and decisive factors for students entering National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality & Tourism (3) understanding the process of career development of students graduated from Kaohsiung Hospitality Junior High School, now studying in Kaohsiung University of Hospitality & Tourism (4) offering constructive suggestions to students in Kaohsiung Hospitality Junior High School as a reference of consultation for career development. Adopting narrative research as a method of research, analyzed the cases of career development of 5 college students of National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality & Tourism, graduated from Tourism Kaohsiung Hospitality Junior High School. Eventually the research came out some conclusions after studying these interview cases. 1) In the process of career development, interviewees mostly influenced by living conditions and family members, especially by mother. 2) In the process of selecting university, interviewees significantly influenced by the image of university and its prestigious reputation. 3) In the process of internship, interviewees may change mind and divert initial ambition, while encountering with unexpected events in internship. 4) The earlier contact with vocational courses in junior high school is conducive to explore student interests and potentials at early stage of career development. 5) The earlier contact of job market in high school period may help students make a full planning for their future career development in advance. Suggestions for future research: 1) Abundance of psychological consultations for students in junior high school would greatly help students ease the uncomfortable tension while facing the changing environment, and effectively avoid the impact on poor interpersonal relationship. 2) The Kaohsiung hospitality junior high school is affiliated to National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality & Tourism, missing the link of high school education in-between, students graduated from Kaohsiung hospitality junior high school forced to study outside high school before entering National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality & Tourism. Therefore, all the interviewees expressed their strong desires of establishing a new high school institute out of the Kaohsiung hospitality junior high school to fulfill the expectation of consistent education. 3) The foregoing research of career development is simply based on sophomore college students, and hope future research can prolong a study of students’ life span to realize a bigger picture of career development. 4) The research simply focused on students studying at National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality & Tourism, and graduated from Kaohsiung hospitality junior high school, if possible, future research should involve with much more samples graduated from other different middle and high schools to compare the differences. 5) The research limited the scope of study on students studying in National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality & Tourism, if possible, increasing the interviewing sample to a large scale, like interviewing the students from non-vocational education system, to compare the differences between vocational & non-vocational education systems and get more fruitful results on career development.


陳佩鈺、林杏足(2005)。淨土僧侶自我觀之敘事研究,輔導與諮商學報,27 卷2 期,


