  • 學位論文


A Study on Aviation Safety Knowledge and Training Program of Airline Ground Service Operators and Ramp Workers

指導教授 : 楊政樺


機場運務人員不僅在組織邊界扮演連結外部顧客在「服務接觸」時的橋樑,更是飛航安全第一道把關者。運務員有權拒絕摒載旅客、瞭解殘障旅客、過濾黑名單、嬰兒座位安排限制、熟悉危險物品託運規定、留意大件行李是否攜帶上機…等問題,而機坪勤務人員在航空地面事故則扮演防堵的第一道防線。 本研究透過文獻回顧分析機場運務、機坪勤務相關作業流程之潛在失誤,以發展相關危害因子之錯誤樹。繼而,邀請專家針對錯誤樹中各項指標就研究旨趣的重要性進行內容適切性評鑑,並以Aiken內容效度係數與同質性信度係數作為理論依據。本研究的錯誤樹分為運務及勤務兩大部分,其中機場運務部分包括:(1)危險物品失事/意外事故;(2)載重失衡/超載及(3)旅客意外傷亡;機坪勤務部分包括:(1)危險物品失事/意外事故;(2)載重失衡/超載;(3)地面損傷(設備或航機毀損)及(4)地面損傷:人員傷亡。 爾後,再以配額抽樣法選取國內六家航空公司之機場運務人員、機坪勤務人員及學界之專家學者填答問卷,並透過口語綜合評判函數計算各構面之相對權重,以評估其「重要性」與「績效滿意度」。最後針對研究結果所觀察之現象,研擬飛安初訓及複訓課程內容的建議策略,期能有效提升機場運務人員及機坪勤務人員的飛安專業素養與建立相關從業人員正確的工作程序,以落實失事預防的第一道防線,提供旅客更安全的搭機環境。


Airline ground service operator is not only the connecting bridge between the airline company and customers, but also the frontier guard of aviation safety. They need to identify and refuse unruly passengers, handle the seating arrangement of handicapped passengers and infants, be familiar with regulations on dangerous luggage, notice the oversize carry-on luggage on board, etc. On the other hand, the ramp worker acts the first line of defense against ground damage incidents. This study aims to determine the latent errors from the standard operation procedures observed by ground service operators and ramp workers by literature review, and develops and analyzes the fault-tree of the latent errors or related accidents through fault-tree-analysis. Afterwards, experts were invited to evaluate the appropriateness of the questionnaire and screen items with the use of Aiken content validity and Aiken homogeneity reliability. In this study, the fault-tree-analysis is divided into two parts: ground service and ramp handling. The former includes: (1) Dangerous goods causing incidents/accidents; (2) The center of gravity of the aircraft shifts/overloading; (3) Passenger’s injury or death. The latter includes: (1) Dangerous goods causing incidents/accidents; (2) The center of gravity of the aircraft shifts/overloading; (3) Ground damage incidents: ground equipment or aircraft damage; (4) Ground damage incidents: personnel injury or death. Quota sampling is then used to select ground service operators from six domestic carriers, ramp workers from professional airport ground handling companies, and aviation experts from the academic field to complete the questionnaire. To identify the “importance” and “performance” of each dimension, the weight is calculated through aggregation function by verbal evaluation. The main purpose of this study is to draw up a plan of the training program for the ground service operators and ramp workers, in hope to improve their professional knowledge concerning aviation safety, and establish standard operation procedures to prevent accidents and provide passengers with safer flights.




