  • 學位論文

餐旅相關科系實習學生人格特質與挫折容忍度之研究 --以國立高雄餐旅學院為例

A study of The Personality and Frustration Tolerance of Intern Students in Hospitality Associated Departments in National Kaohsiung Hospitality College

指導教授 : 吳武忠


本研究主要在探討餐旅相關科系實習學生人格特質與挫折容忍度之關係,並考驗不同性別、年齡、就讀科系、實習時間、實習地點、實習部門、實習前有無工作經驗、實習薪資每月收入的實習學生在挫折容忍度上的差異情形。在此選定測量五大人格特質以及挫折容忍度此兩種量表進行研究分析,針對國立高雄餐旅學院已完成實習的應屆畢業生進行調查。問卷回收資料分別以描述性統計、ONE-WAY ANOVA分析與T檢定等統計方法進行資料處理,研究結果發現如下: 一、餐旅相關科系實習學生個人屬性中就讀科系的不同,對挫折容忍度有顯著差異;個人屬性中實習地點、實習部門的不同僅對部份挫折容忍度有顯著差異;而性別、年齡、實習時間、實習前有無實際餐飲工作經驗、實習薪資每月收入在挫折容忍度上並無差異。 二、餐旅相關科系實習學生人格特質與挫折容忍度部份呈現顯著相關,其中人格特質為「情緒穩定性」及「順心性」者,在「困難偏好傾向」、「挫折後情感反應」、「挫折後行動取向」皆呈現顯著相關。 在本次研究中,發現除「就讀科系與受到挫折之容忍度」方面,有顯著之差異外,其餘均為「部份顯著」或「不顯著」之狀態。此即表示不同科系之學生面對挫折時的反應均有所不同,建議若能在日常課程中加強應對訓練,將可避免意外狀況之發生。


The aim of this study is to find out the relationship between the personality of intern students in hospitality associated department and their frustration tolerance, and to test the differences of frustration tolerance among different sexes, ages, departments studied, the time of internship, the place of internship, the practicum department and the working experiences before practicum. We used two scales: Five Factor Model of Personality and Frustration Tolerance, to study coming graduate students in National Kaohsiung Hospitality College who finished practicum. Data collected from the questionnaires were analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and T test. Study results are as followed: 1. There is a significant difference of frustration tolerance among students who studied in different hospitality related departments. In personal factors, there was a significant difference to some part of frustration tolerance in the place of internship and practicum department. However, there was no significant difference in sex, age, the time of internship,working experiences before practicum, and salary income during practicum. 2. Some parts of personality are significantly related to frustration tolerance, in such,emotional stability, agreeableness, tendency when facing hardness, emotional reaction after frustration, action after frustration, are significantly related. In this study, significant difference was found only in different studying departments and frustration tolerance, other factors showed some significance or no significance. The result showed different reactions of students in different departments when they face frustration. Accident conditions maybe prevented if we enhance response training in daily courses.




