  • 學位論文


A Study of Postpartum Recuperation through Dietary Regimen among Taiwan’s Minnan Women over the Last 50 Years

指導教授 : 潘江東


在漢人傳統的生命禮俗文化中,婦女於生產後即有做月子的習俗,而且長期流傳至今幾千年,沒有間斷。做月子的過程中,特別重視產後的飲食調理、行為規範、充分休息調養等,其中又以飲食調養為最注重的項目。產後婦女藉由食補與藥補,改善產後虛弱的體質,並且藉由飲食的調養,使體內的氣血迅速恢復。然而,隨著時代的演進,過去的傳統做月子習俗卻仍沿用至今,但這些流傳下來的種種飲食規範,是否還適用於現代的社會,古今飲食條件與食物價值已大不相同,在這樣的情況下,飲食宜忌是否還適用,又伴隨著國民健康意識的崛起,傳統高油、高熱量飲食是否還能被產婦所接受,這種種的飲食變遷,讓古今做月子的飲食種種,在細思之餘,則更加耐人尋味。 本論文透過相關文獻蒐集與深度訪談的方式進行探討,藉由五十年前生產的婦女、二十五年前生產的婦女與近五年生產之婦女的做月子實際經驗之陳述,來發掘過去做月子飲食與現代做月子飲食的轉變。文中分別探討做月子的傳統習俗、做月子期間的飲食規範、過去與現代的飲食變革,以及現代化的月子觀,藉本研究了解傳統做月子飲食在當代的變遷,並將做月子這項約定俗成的傳統飲食文化透過文獻及口述資料作成記錄,使現代人能夠了解做月子的飲食內涵及產生新舊變化的飲食過程。


做月子 月子 月內 產後 飲食調養


In the traditional Chinese culture, a postpartum recuperation practice called zuo yue zi (intensive postnatal care for one month) has existed and been followed for thousands of years. During this period, dietary regimen, regulation of behaviors, and sufficient rest are emphasized, and among which dietary regimen is considered as most important. It is believed that through intake of proper dietary and herbal supplements, postnatal women can improve their weak physical conditions and quickly recover the energy within their bodies. Through the years, this traditional postpartum practice is still widely adopted in nowadays. However, whether the various dietary regulations passed along from long time ago are still applicable to the modern society is a question? As there are large differences in dietary conditions and food values between now and then, are the rules regarding compatibility or incompatibility of diet still applicable? With the rising of health consciousness, are these oil- and calorie-rich diets still acceptable to modern postnatal women? As there are changes in our dietary habits, the evolution of dietary regimens for postpartum women has become an issue worth investigating. This study investigated the above issues through literature review and in-depth interview. By exploring the zuo yue zi experiences of women who gave birth 50, 25, and 5 years ago, this study attempted to find out the changes in dietary regimens used for postnatal care. This study also discussed the traditional customs of zuo yue zi, regulations of diets during zuo yue zi, changes in diets between now and then, and modern concepts of postnatal care. Through literature review and interviews, this study organized and documented this conventional dietary culture, in hope of helping modern people better understand dietary regimen of zuo yue zi and the evolution of dietary supplements for postpartum women.




李錦芳(2012)。越籍新移民女性作月子文化飲食調適研究 ─ 以高雄地區為例〔碩士論文,國立高雄餐旅大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6825/NKUHT.2012.00069
