  • 學位論文

越籍新移民女性作月子文化飲食調適研究 ─ 以高雄地區為例

A Study on Vietnamese New Immigrant Women's Food Adaptation during their Doing-the-month in Kaohsiung

指導教授 : 蘇恆安
共同指導教授 : 趙憶蒙


截至 2011 年,新移民女性在臺人數已超過 40 萬人,儼然已是臺灣第五大族群。除中國大陸籍以外,便以來自東南亞國家的越南籍女性佔最多。然而,來臺的新移民女性往往婚後不久即懷孕,她們不但得適應陌生的環境、語言及生活習慣,更被期待須恪遵臺灣傳統婦女懷孕、作月子習俗與相關飲食宜忌等制約。傳統上,越南雖也有一套屬於自己文化的作月子習俗,但在她們不了解臺灣作月子習俗文化下,同時面臨文化隔閡所引起的飲食認知落差時,常導致臺灣婆家傳統之善盡作月子的美意難被接受。 據此,本研究透過越籍新移民女性的經驗來討論文化差異下對作月子習俗所帶來的變化,以去/再領域化 (de/re-territorialization) 的族群認同觀點,觀察她們在臺產後作月子的文化調適經驗。本研究以越籍新移民女性人口數佔全臺第二大的高雄為調查場域,共獲得 10 位已有兩胎以上作月子經驗的越籍新移民女性及 2 位越南媽媽、3 位臺灣婆婆的共同參與,並以焦點團體法及深度訪談法實施交叉分析。研究發現越籍新移民女性對於作月子的飲食態度,除了因來臺入境隨俗以及家庭內主從地位影響外,尚因個人對飲食的開放態度、臺灣長輩的關愛,及缺乏越南娘家支援等因素,使其在飲食調養上因去領域化態度,而漸趨接受臺灣作月子的習俗宜忌規範。 但在來臺日久的情況下,對作月子飲食的跨界文化態度,同時顯現了去/再領域化的特質,如接受臺灣作月子飲食模式但改變其原有風味,或是同時進行臺越兩種作月子文化的飲食照護。即是越籍新移民女性隨著懷胎次數增加,對於作月子飲食宜忌的認知與實踐上有了另類在地的認同,使其能順利渡過此段特殊時期。本研究希冀能在作月子飲食上為不同族群提供多元的視野,並引導臺灣社會能更加認識與尊重新移民女性的原鄉文化,避免認知差異下產生的文化偏見與誤解。


Official demographics (2011) shows the population of immigrant female spouses has reached 400,000 people, making it the fifth largest group in Taiwan. Aside from those from China, the majority are from none-Chinese-speaking Vietnam, however. These immigrant women, who are married to Taiwanese males, tend to become pregnant soon after their marriage. They not only have to get adapted to a whole new environment, language and culture, but are expected to follow Taiwan’s traditional practices on diets during their pregnancy, and confinements after giving birth to babies, a tradition well known as “doing-the-month”. In Vietnam, there are also some customs about the latter; however, these Vietnamese immigrant women often have difficulties accepting the diet their husbands’ family prepare for their confinements due to the gap of dietary cognition resulting from the cultural barrier and the lack of understanding the ways of confinements practiced in Taiwan. Therefore, this research aims to discuss how the cultural differences change the custom of doing-the-month through the experiences of Vietnamese female immigrants and to investigate the Vietnamese immigrant women concerning their cultural adaption to local diet during their postpartum recuperation by adopting the viewpoints of de- and re-territorialization theories on ethnic identity. The scope of the research is set in Kaohsiung area where having the second largest population of Vietnamese female immigrants. The subjects of this research are cross-analyzed with the method of interviewing and focus group, which contains ten Vietnamese immigrant women who have experienced doing-the-month twice or more in Taiwan, two Vietnamese female immigrants’ mothers, and three Taiwanese mother-in-laws. It is found that the Vietnamese female immigrants accept the Taiwanese way of confinements and that the factors affecting their diet attitude toward doing-the-month are as follows: the immersion of the Taiwan local food culture, their leader-member status in the husband’s family, the personal open attitude toward diet, the care from the Taiwanese elders and the lack of support from their Vietnamese family. However, with their stay in Taiwan, the cross-boundary cultural attitude toward the diet of doing-the-month shows both the characteristics of de/re-territorialization, such as, either they accept the Taiwanese diet mode of doing-the-month but change the original flavor at the same time, or they adopt both the Taiwanese and Vietnamese diet customs. In other words, with more experiences of the Vietnamese female immigrants in procreation, they have changed and become more identified with the Taiwanese practices of doing-the-month cognitively and practically so as to help themselves through this special period of time. This research is expected to provide multicultural views on the diet of doing-the-month for different ethnic groups and to help Taiwanese society understand and respect the female immigrants’ home culture, hoping to avoid cultural bias and misunderstanding deriving from cognitive differences.


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