  • 學位論文


On the innovation management of traditional industries in Taiwan -Four case study approach.

指導教授 : 林霖


論文摘要 台灣是一個島國,傳統產業在經濟活動之中除了供應本島的需求以外,還發展外銷市場,更是維持經濟成長的瑰寶。然而產品的缺少差異化以及市場的供需不平衡,傳統產業也逐漸趨向於沒落,市場的萎縮使得傳統產業不得不外移而遷廠至低度開發國家得以繼續經營,然而加入創新的因子,改變經營模式,亦是一個企業可行的方案,因此本研究的探討,希望在幾個不同產業之中解析它們成功的創新經營模式,加以深入研究期能做為業界指標性的學習方向。 個案中主要有不鏽鋼鐵業榮剛科技股份有限公司、台灣製造業H精密股份有限公司、台灣觀光產業志鋼金屬股份有限公司、台灣文創產業谷橋工業股份有限公司,在這四個案中都有一個關鍵成功因素的共同特點,就是改變以往的經營模式引進或自行開發新設備及新技術來做創新,再由其中的價值鏈及價值根源做相互比較,以導出最後的結論,以強化產業競爭能力。 本論文採用個案研究法,並採用多個個案做比較,主要針對各個個案進行深度訪談,再把得到訪談結果加以整理探討,以發現個案資料的共同點與差異點。 研究方向顯示: 1.企業尋求創新環境張力分為需求驅動與供給驅動及機會明顯度的高低 2.企業經營模式創新的價值源頭 3.創新的經營模式成功與持久的環境因素及能力條件 最後根據結果顯示現今社會急遽變化,創新是每個人的工作,傳統產業勢必要往創新的方向邁進,跨越領域的集體智慧才能符合及因應現在社會快速變化。


Abstract Taiwan is an island, and economically, its traditional industries not only supply the need of the island but also develop the export market. In other words, traditional industries play a significant role in the economic development of Taiwan. Nonetheless, the lack of product differentiation and the imbalanced supply-demand relationship in the market have led to the declining of the traditional industries, while market shrinkage has forced the traditional industries to migrate to developing countries in order to maintain its the operation. Aside from changing the location, another feasible approach is to include innovation and to modify the operation mode. In this study, the investigator examined innovative and successful management approaches adopted by companies from various industries to find indicative directions for industries. The four studied examples are Gloria Material Technology Corp. from the stainless steel industry, H Precision Co., Ltd. from the manufacturing industry, Chih Kang Material Company Ltd. from the tourism industry, and Good Chief Industrial Co., Ltd.from the cultural and creative industry. These four examples share one critical factor for their success--Renovating the old management mode by introducing or self-developing new equipment of technology to support innovation. Then, the value chain and value source were compared to draw the conclusion for fortifying the industrial competitive capacity. The study used the case study approach and compare multiple cases. An in-depth interview was conducted for each case and the results of all cases summarized to find out what are in common and what are different among the cases. Research direction: 1.Enterprises' searching of innovative environmental tension can be divided into demand-driven, supply-driven, and the level of prominence of opportunities. 2. It is important to examine the source of value of innovation of enterprise management mode 3. It is important to analyze environmental factors and capability for innovative, long-lasting and successful management modes. Finally, the results suggest that because of rapid change of the society, everyone has to be engaged in some sorts of innovation. For the traditional industries, it is necessary to move into innovation and to seek opportunities for cross-domain, collective wisdom to well fit into the modern world.


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