  • 學位論文


A Study on the Construction of Models of Induction Support for Beginning of Elementary Principals

指導教授 : 楊振昇


本研究旨在瞭解與分析國民小學初任校長導入輔導需求的情形及導入輔導模式之建構。國民小學初任校長導入輔導需求以「校務發展」、「校長就任」「行政管理」,「人際關係」及「生涯發展」五個層面分析,而導入輔導模式建構分為「組織層面」、「制度層面」、「課程層面」、「方式層面」、「回饋層面」等五層面進行分析。 本研究之研究方法以問卷調查法及半結構式訪談進行研究。以「國民小學初任校長導入輔導模式建構之研究問卷」進行台灣中部五縣市—臺中市、苗栗縣、南投縣、彰化縣及雲林縣之156名初任校長之研究,以描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、及卡方考驗統計方法進行分析與考驗,並以立意取樣的方式抽取15位初任校長進行訪談。最後將蒐集到的資料歸納整理做出以下的結論: 初任校長的需求屬於中高程度之知覺程度,不同背景變項之初任校長需求無顯著差異。建構初任校長導入輔導模式: 一、導入輔導模式之「組織層面」,負責規劃辦理的專責機構為國家教育研究院。 二、導入輔導模式之「制度層面」,提供初任校長導入輔導的需求。 三、導入輔導模式之「課程層面」,安排參觀及訪視學校的學習。 四、導入輔導模式之「方式層面」,規劃辦理師傅教導制。 五、導入輔導模式之「回饋層面」,訪談輔導校長與初任校長了解初任校長感受的滿意度。。 最後,根據研究結論提出建議,提供教育行政機關、初任校長及國民小學初任校長導入輔導實施及未來研究之參考。


The purpose of this study is to understand and analyze the requirements for induction support of beginning principal of primary school and the construction of models of induction support. The requirements for induction support of beginning principal of primary school were analyzed based on five aspects, namely “school development”, “principal induction”, “administrative management”, “interpersonal relationship” and “career development”, and the construction of models of induction support was analyzed based on five aspects, namely “organizational aspect”, “system aspect", "program aspect ", "methodology aspect" and "feedback aspect". Questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews were used as research methods in this study. A questionnaire survey on “The Construction of Models of Induction Support for Beginning Principal of Primary School” was conducted, in which 156 beginning principals from five counties in central Taiwan, namely Taichung City, Miaoli County, Nantou County, Changhua County and Yunlin County, were taken part. The analysis and test were done by way of descriptive statistics, T-test, one-way ANOVA, and Chi-squared test statistical method. By way of purposive sampling, 15 beginning principals were selected and interviewed. Finally, the collected data was collated and summarized as follows: Beginning principals’ perception of requirements was at upper middle level. There was no significant difference in the requirements of the beginning principals of different background variables. Construction of Models of Induction Support for Beginning Principal: 1. For the “Organizational Aspect” of the Induction Support Models, the responsible authority for the planning is the National Academy for Educational Research. 2. For the “System Aspect” of the Induction Support Models, it provides the requirements for induction support of a beginning principal. 3. For the “Program Aspect” of the Induction Support Models, it arranges learning in the form of tours and school visits. 4. For the “Methodology Aspect” of the Induction Support Models, it plans to mentorship program. 5. For the “Feedback Aspect” of the Induction Support Models, it aims at understanding beginning principals’ satisfaction levels by interviewing the mentor principals and the beginning principals. Eventually, based on the conclusions of the study, suggestions regarding the implementation of the induction support were made for the education authorities, beginning principals and beginning principals of primary schools, as well as for reference of future studies.


