  • 學位論文


The Employment Trend Study of the Indigenous Youth in Taiwan,1999-2004

指導教授 : 詹宜璋


有關原住民族就業之研究,大都以整個原住民族為研究主體,對於15歲至24歲之原住民族青年就業與失業情形並未多於著墨,本研究之研究目的在探究台灣地區原住民族青年的就業趨勢分析、可能影響原住民族青年的就業因素,及提供就業政策相關建議,因自2001年起原住民青年失業有持續惡化情形,同年政府實施原住民族工作權保障法,基此,本研究之分析年度為1999年至2004年,瞭解原住民青年的就業趨勢。研究結果發現: 一、不同之性別、教育程度、婚姻狀況及居住地與原住民青年就業情勢具有相關性,男性原住民青年勞動參與率高於女性、原住民年失業率隨著教育程度提升有遞減情形、已婚勞動參與率高於未婚、非原住民地區青年勞動參與率高於平地原住民鄉青年,平地原住民鄉青年又高於山地原住民鄉青年。 二、原住民青年與一般青年就業情勢分析,原住民青年勞動參與率高於一般民眾青年,但原住民青年失業率高於一般青年,原住民青年從事自營作業者與受政府雇用的比率高於一般青年,又原住民青年教育程度低於一般青年。 三、原鄉與都市原住民青年因區域環境,而在婚姻狀況、教育程度、料理家務、從事無酬家屬工作、職業、行業等就業情勢而有差異,分析發現農林漁牧業所占比率有逐年升高趨勢,顯示原鄉原住民青年願意留在原鄉發展的比率增加,如何將原鄉在地化特色融入各項政府推動政策顯得十分重要。 從研究發現提出原住民青年在教育及就業政策規劃方向建議包括提升原住民青年教育程度及因區域性考量教育資源分配問題;重視原住民青年學以致用及鼓勵原住民青年多元能力學習;發展與創造以原鄉在地化產業特色的就業機會;建立學校至勞動市場轉銜機制;提供適切性與多元化的職業訓練;消除女性原住民青年職場困境以保障就業平等;建立原住民人力資料庫或就業網路;運用民間團體資源與政府合作建立夥伴關係;強化原鄉社區自主發展的就業能力及建立原鄉社區發展相關就業計畫;建立都市原住民社區團體與原鄉社區的連結,以提供就業資訊等。


原住民青年 原住民 就業


Indigenous employment researches mostly focus on the whole indigenous people as their research subjects. Few researches discuss the employment and unemployment of Indigenous Youth aged between 15 to 24, thus this study aims to provide related suggestions for employment policy by examining the employment trend of the indigenous youth and possible influential factors related to employment. Since 2001, the indigenous youth unemployment rate became gradually increasing, however the Act of Ensuring Indigenous People's Right to Work enacted at the same year. Based on this, this study investigates the data from 1999 to 2004 to reveal the employment trend of Indigenous Youth. The major findings were summarized as below: 1. Indigenous youth’s background variables of gender, educational attainment, marital status and residence were correlated with employment. Male youth labor force participation rate was higher than that of female youth. Indigenous youth unemployment rate declined despite the growing of education attainment. Married youth labor force participation rate exceeded that of single youth. Indigenous youth labor force participation rate was higher in the non-indigenous area than in plains indigenous residence. Plains Indigenous youth labor force participation rate was higher than that of mountain indigenous youth. 2. In comparison with the employment performance between indigenous and non-indigenous youth, Indigenous youth labor force participation rate exceeded that of non-indigenous youth. However indigenous youth unemployment rate was higher. As to the occupation categories, the percentage of Indigenous youth engaging in own-account workers and government jobs exceeded that of Non-indigenous youth. As a whole, education attainment of indigenous youth was lower than that of non-indigenous youth. 3. The employment difference between indigenous village and urban indigenous youth was varied with area in the aspect of marital status, education, housekeeping, unpaid family worker, occupation and occupation categories. The analysis shows that agriculture, forestry, fishing and animal husbandry were their main occupation categories with an increasing involvement year by year. This indicates that indigenous village youth are more willing to stay at their indigenous villages. Thus it’s apparently important for the government to integrate localization in promoting government policy. To actively promote employment opportunities, the researcher offered the following suggestions for employment policy planning which includes promoting indigenous youth education, considering education resource allocation issues, encouraging indigenous youth to develop multiple capacity building, providing job opportunities in the aspect of developing the characteristics of indigenous village, establishing the transition mechanisms between school and the labor market, providing a wide range of vocational training, eliminating female indigenous youth career distress and ensuring employment equity, establishing indigenous human resources database and employment networks, enhancing the cooperation partnerships of the resources of Non-Government organizations and Government, strengthening indigenous autonomous development of employment and career planning in indigenous village community, establishing the links for employment information between indigenous village community and the urban community.




