  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Trust and Community Participation among the Community Residents

指導教授 : 張英陣


長久以來,社區一直在國內各項政策中扮演重要角色。隨著社區的蓬勃發展,社區參與的人數也逐漸提升。然而,如何在參與量提升的同時,亦提升社區參與的深度,則為吾人需要深思的議題。社區以人為本,人與人的信任又是否對於社區參與有所影響?是以研究者以本研究探討社區中居民的信任和其參與動機與社區參與之間的關係,期待能找出影響其中的關鍵因素,進一步對於社區工作提出建言。   本研究採取量化研究中的社會調查法,以南投縣埔里鎮24個社區,18歲以上之社區居民為母群體進行分層比例隨機抽樣,共抽取4個社區進行試測,8個社區進行正式施測。並由研究者擔任訪員,以逐戶面訪的方式進行問卷施測,共回收213份有效問卷。其後,將所回收的問卷進行描述性統計、因素分析、平均數差異檢定、列聯及卡方檢定、皮爾森積差相關以及逐步多元迴歸等統計分析,獲得如下研究結果: 1.受訪對象之人口特性:受訪之民眾中男性略多於女性,年齡多為40歲以上,教育程度多在國、高中程度,以道教和佛教等一般民間信仰居多,家庭狀況多為小家庭,家庭月平均收入普遍不高,並且以已婚有養育孩子者居多。 2.社區居民的整體信任感為正向的,其中「血親信任」和「保障信任」較「滋生信任」和「習俗信任」為高。 3.社區居民的整體參與動機亦為正向,其中「親和需求動機」和「利他動機」較「利己動機」為高。 4.居民的社區參與情形:在「參與類型」上,以「休閒活動類別」最多,而「治安類別」的活動最少;在「參與方式」上,多使用「訊息傳播」的方式投入社區活動;在「參與時間」上,約有8成的民眾每週參與社區活動的時間在「5小時以下」,平均每天不足1小時;在「參與頻率」上,有88.3%的受訪者每月參與活動次數不到10次;在「參與程度」上,整體參與程度仍是正向的,「出席社區活動」的程度略高於「完全投入」和「涉入」的程度。 5.部份人口變項會對信任產生影響。其中,「居住地點」會對「血親信任」造成影響;「居住時間」會對「滋生信任」造成影響;「年齡」、「宗教信仰」、「居住時間」、「婚姻狀況」、「育子情形」等均會對「保障信任」造成影響;「宗教信仰」則會對「習俗信任」造成影響。 6.部份人口變項會對參與動機產生影響。其中,無任何人口變項對於「利己動機」產生影響;「年齡」、「教育程度」、「居住時間」、「育子情形」、「居住地點」等會對「親和需求動機」造成影響;「教育程度」、「居住時間」、「居住地點」等會對「利他動機」造成影響。 7.部份人口變項與「參與類型」、「參與方式」、「參與時間」、「參與頻率」、「參與程度」等社區參與之構面有顯著相關。 8.部份信任類型、參與動機類型與社區參與各構面之間有顯著相關。 9.依據逐步多元迴歸分析結果,部份的人口變項、參與動機及社區參與情形可用以預測社區居民之信任;同樣的,部份人口變項、信任、參與動機亦可用以預測社區參與程度,但需注意解釋力的部份。   針對以上研究結果,研究者提出如下建議,提供社區工作者做為實務參考: 1.更關注社區民眾的「親和需求動機」和「利他動機」。 2.「習俗信任」與社區參與的相關性值得注意和重視。 3.不同的活動類型或參與方式可能有不同的熱門人口群存在。 4.舉辦不同類型的活動時應注意刺激不同的參與動機,能有事半功倍的效果。


信任 參與動機 社區參與


For a long time, communities played an important part in domestic policies. People participating in communities increased as communities flourished. However, it is worthwhile to consider how to increase the depth of participation in communities at the same time that the number of people participating increases. Communities are built around people, and we question whether trust between people affects the level of participation in communities. This research tries to examine the relationship between trust between individuals within a community and their motive for participating and how it relates to community involvement, and hopefully will be able to identify some key factors that affect it, and to be able to provide some suggestions to social work.   This research adopts social survey of quantitative research, and uses residents eighteen years and older in twenty-four communities as the study population in Puli, Nantou. Using stratified proportion random sampling, with four communities randomly selected in the trial, and eight communities selected randomly for the actual survey. The researcher served as an interviewer, and went from house to house to administer the survey, and collected 213 effective questionnaires. Afterwards, the collected questionnaires analyzed by descriptive statistics, T-test, One-way ANOVA, factor analysis, contingency table and chi-square test, Pearson product moment, multiple regression, and came to the following conclusions: 1.Demographic characteristics of respondents: The number of male respondents was slightly higher than female respondents, and the majority was over forty years old. Education was mostly junior high and high school level, with religious beliefs being majority Taoism and Buddhism. Most were small families, with generally low household incomes, and most were married and have kids. 2.Overall trust between residents within the community was positive, with “kinship trust” and ”security trust” being higher than “emergent trust” and ”customary trust” 3.Participation motives for community residents on the whole is positive, with ”affinity motive” and ”altruistic motives” higher than ”selfish motive” 4.Residents’ involvement in the community: For ”kinds of participation”, the most was ”leisure”, with the least being ”public safety”; for “method of participation”, most use ”news dissemination” to participate in community activities;for “duration of participation”, eighty percent of the residents participate in “less than five hours” of community activities a week, averaging less than one hour a day; for frequency of participation, 88.3% of respondents participate in community activities less than ten times a month; for” involvement of participation”, participation as a whole is still positive, “attending community activities” is slightly higher than ”absolutely committed” and ”involvement”. 5.Some background factors will affect trust. “location of residence” will affect ”kinship trust”;”duration of residence” will affect ”emergent trust”;”age”, ”religion”, ”duration of residence”, ”marital status”, ”raises the child” will affect ”security trust”;”religious belief” will affect ”customary trust”. 6.Some background factors will affect motives for participation. In this part, Any factor has not been possible to affect “selfish motive”;”age”, ”level of education”, ”duration of residence”, ”raises the child”, ”location of residence” will affect ”affinity motive”; “level of education”, ”duration of residence”, ”location of residence” will affect ”altruistic motives”. 7.Some background factors have significant relevance with construction surfaces of community participation such as ”type of participation”, ”method of participation”, ”duration of participation”, ”frequency of participation”, and “involvement of participation”. 8.Some trust types, participated motive types and construction surfaces of community participation has a strong correlation between them. 9.Based on the results from the multiple regression analysis, some background factors, motives for participating, and community participation conditions can be used to predict trust between residents in the community;Similarly, some background factors, trust, and motives for participating can be used to predict community participation conditions, but need to keep in mind the explanatory power. Based on the above research findings, the researcher makes the following suggestions to social workers as a practical reference. 1.Be more attentive to community residents’ “affinity motive” and “altruistic motives”. 2.It’s important to keep in mind and consider the relevance between ”customary trust” and community participation 3.Different types of activities or different ways of participating might be popular with different groups of people. 4.There can be a multiplier effect, if attention is paid to stimulating different participation motives, while holding different varieties of activities.


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