  • 學位論文


The Experience of Aging for Unmarried Women

指導教授 : 趙祥和


本研究目的主要探討高齡單身女性對老化經驗的認知、老年生活經驗以及老化因應策略,採用質性研究的方法進行,以半結構深度訪談方式蒐集資料,並使用Boeije提出之質性分析方式進行分析。本研究於2016年2月至2017年1月間,透過立意取樣與滾雪球的方式徵得6位年滿65歲從未結婚亦無子嗣之研究參與者,共計訪談11次。主要研究發現分別為: 一、高齡單身女性具自成一家又承先啟後的家庭經驗,對照顧責任認知的差異會影響其承擔的意願;建立替代式親情策略各有不同。 二、高齡單身女性知覺身心老化,加重其孤寂經驗,但也因單身而備受照顧;採取不成為累贅、主動經營人際且能排遣生活之策略因應老年生活挑戰。 三、高齡單身女性對於到老仍維持單身有著始料未及的詮釋經驗;在晚年伴侶的選擇上採取避免晚節不保的策略。 四、高齡單身女性渴望在地老化但仍做好去機構養老的心理準備,對搭伴養老等新興養老方式接受度高,後事與祭祀安排從簡,以政府做為最後依靠。 五、高齡單身女性引以為傲其成就經驗,並需面對雙重失落之退休經驗;過往單身經驗助其安頓退休生活,向後輩傳承人生經驗策略則助其老化適應。 六、高齡單身女性若以傳統女性認知來自我要求,易陷入迫於無奈的老化困境,反之若建立女性主體性,則有利於老年適應,走上向自我統整之路。


The purpose of the study is to understand the aging experiences and coping strategies of never-married women. The researcher uses qualitative research method with the application of Boeije's data-analysis method to conduct the study. A total of 6 female participants aged over 65 years old, who are never married and with no children, are recruited with purposive and snowball sampling. Research data are collected through in-depth and semi-structural interviews between February 2016 and January 2017. The findings are: 1. For those single-unmarried elderly women, they simultaneously experience both living alone and as a care-giver to their original family. However, their cognitive comprehension of “family” may affect their willingness to function as a care-giver. 2. As the participants gain the awareness of aging, they also tend to be more aware of their solitude. In coping, they seek for social activities and interpersonal relationships. 3. Being single and never married was an unexpected experience for allthe participants in this study. They remain open for finding sone realistic concerns. 4. Aging in place would be their best choice for their late years, but they accept living in Residental Caring Home. They expect their funeral severices to be simple. 5. Those elderly single women are extremely proud of their academic and work achievement, thus retirement is a tremendous impact to their lives. Hoever, their single experiences in early days and maintaining relationship with next generation, help them to adjust to their retirement. 6. For the participants in this study, if they have adapted a traditional view on female, they may easily fall into despair on their elder lives. If they are aware of their female subjectivity, they may easier to achieve their ego integrity.


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