  • 學位論文


Factors Influencing the Strategy Choice of Hospitality : the Case of Bed and Breakfast Industry in Nantou

指導教授 : 曾喜鵬


台灣民宿產業競爭激烈,產品形式較簡單且屬於微型企業的民宿如何制定競爭策略為過去忽略的課題。本研究從民宿經營者的人格特質、人口特徵及經營特徵三個變數,透過南投179家民宿的調查問卷,利用多元迴歸模型及變異數分析等方法,探討這三個變數對民宿經營者選擇競爭策略的影響。研究發現,民宿經營者在面對競爭時,會採取創新 (innovation)、整合 (integration)、成本 (cost)、促銷 (promote)四個策略來因應;而經營者的人格特質是影響競爭策略選擇最重要的因素,具親和性與情緒穩定性特質之民宿經營者,有較多元的策略選擇行為,其他人格特質則傾向於單一策略且會排斥其他可能策略;民宿經營者之年齡、教育程度、婚姻狀態、經營民宿前的職業,及其所經營民宿的成立年數與土地權屬也會顯著影響競爭策略選擇。本研究結果可提供給民宿經營者、民宿創業者及政府輔導民宿產業的參考。


Due to the intense competition in Taiwan Hostel industry, it's extremely important to highlight the B&B features and competitive strategy. Since B&B is defined sideline in Taiwan, the operator and the related family members are usually as the main source of human operators, while the operator is responsible for strategy formulation and who often play the role of enforcer. Former researches have shown that operators and their leadership style personality traits significantly related, some studies have shown that the operator's personality and B&B business performance have a significant relationship as well. However, studies have not discussed how the B&B operator's personality traits will affect the choice of its competitive strategy, and further affect its operating performance. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate and to compare the relationship between the personality traits of B&B operators and their strategic choices, as well as their strategic impact on the overall performance of B&B. We chose B&B in Nantou County as selection for the study. Through survey the 179 B&B operators, and then by descriptive statistics, factor analysis, variance analysis and multiple regression analysis methods to understand the different personality traits B&B operators in the competitive strategies chosen differences with different competitive strategies for the overall performance of B&B. The results of this study will further understanding the competitive strategy choice behavior of B&B management, and compensate for the lack of previous studies. Studies have shown that the B&B operators with openness personality more inclined to take an innovative competitive strategy and the B&B operators with diligence positive qualitative Personality are less inclined to choose an integrated competitive strategy in the field of personality traits and competitive strategy; In the field of the strategic choices and competitive strategy, competitive strategy of innovation and integration of B&B's business performance showed a significant positive correlation. On the contrary, costs and competitive strategies for the promotion of business performance B negative correlation. The results of this study may in practice available to the operator of a reference and micro-entrepreneurs, and government guidance B&B industry reference.


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