  • 學位論文


The effect of Taiwan traveling experience mode on word-of-mouth -A Case Study of Guest House

指導教授 : 李月華


本研究主要探討東南亞旅客來台旅遊產生不同的旅遊動機後選擇民宿住宿之影響。。由來台「旅遊動機」、「度假模式」與「體驗品質」為構面;探討其所產生的「滿意度」、「可回憶性」之間關係其最後產生「口碑」之行為意圖;分析東南亞旅客產生來台不同的旅遊動機與度假模式之間所產生的連結,進而瞭解東南亞旅客對於台灣民宿住宿其體驗品質所產生的滿意度與口回憶性是否會影響其口碑。 本研究以以來台旅遊之東南亞觀光客,主要為居住在香港、澳門、新加坡以及馬來西亞、印尼、越南等旅客為研究對象,共獲得有效樣本174份,依研究目的及驗證假設之需以敘述性分析、信度分析、集群分析、因素分析並以由AMOS以結構方程模式(SEM)進行資料分析。 本研究以路進分析進行假說的驗證。研究結果顯示: 1.根據旅客產生不同的旅遊動機與度假模式將觀光客區分為兩群,並依照各群在動機上的差異,分別給予命名為「追求快樂型」與「情境轉換型」。2.不同集群的觀光客對於民宿體驗品質產生不同的行為意圖。3.東南亞旅客的民宿體驗品質對於旅遊可回憶性與滿意度有正向影響。4.東南亞觀光客對於旅遊體驗滿意度與可回憶性對於口碑有正向影響。故民宿業者應針對旅遊動機方面設計住宿為主旅遊為輔的附加行程來吸引東南亞旅客投宿,增加民宿的住宿率。


This study aimed to explore the Southeast Asian tourists’ travel motivations of hostel accommodation during travel in Taiwan. With “travel motivation”, “holiday mode” and “experiential quality” as the dimensions, the correlation between the “satisfaction” and “memorability” produced was explored to generate the “word-of-mouth” behavior intention. In terms of the experiential quality of the guest house accommodation, the link between the various travel motivations and vacation modes analyzed to determine how they affect the “satisfaction” and “memorability” of stay in Taiwan’s guest house This study, with the Southeast Asian tourists travelling in Taiwan and residing in Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam as study subjects, a total of 174 valid samples were obtained. Based on the research purpose and hypothesis test requirements, data analysis was conducted through descriptive analysis, reliability analysis, cluster analysis, factor analysis, and AMOS structural equation modeling (SEM). In this study, the hypothesis test was conducted through path analysis. The results show: 1. according to the different travel motivations and holiday modes produced by the tourists, the tourists were divided into two groups; then, based on the differences in the motivation of the different groups, the groups were named “the pursuit of happiness” type and “situational transformation” type; 2. the different groups of tourists produced different behavioral intentions for the hostel experiential quality; 3. the Southeast Asian tourists’ hostel experiential quality has a positive impact on travel memorability and satisfaction; and 4. the Southeast Asian tourists’ travel experiential satisfaction and memorability have a positive impact on word-of-mouth. Thus, in terms of travel motivation, hostel owners should design accommodation-based package plans supplemented by travel in order to attract Southeast Asian tourists to stay in hostels and increase the accommodation rate.


任維廉、胡凱傑、王鵬堯、林國銘(2008)。觀光遊樂區遊客體驗與新奇追求對滿意度與 行為意圖之影響。休閒暨觀光產業研究,3(2),1-21。
池玨(2009)。來台旅客食物恐新症對餐飲選擇意願、餐飲體驗評價與可回憶性之相關性 研究─以餐飲熟悉度為干擾變項。未出版之碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學人類發展與家庭學系,臺北。
