  • 學位論文


An Analysis of the Senior High School Teachers’ Professional Growth and Students’ Technological Learning in Developing School-based Curriculum about Emerging Technology

指導教授 : 黃淑玲


本研究旨在探討高中發展新興科技學校本位課程之歷程與問題,以及教師在發展新興科技學校本位課程時之專業成長情形,並同時探究學生參與新興科技課程前後之科技態度之變化及其學習問題,以了解高中實施新興科技教育之現況,可作為實施新興科技教育工作者之參考。   本研究之研究對象為台灣中部地區某一綜合高中之參與新興科技學校本位課程之校長、教師與學生,本研究採用訪談法、文件分析法、準實驗研究法以及觀察研究法,對高中發展新興科技學校本位課程之歷程與問題、教師發展新興科技學校本位課程之專業成長情形以及學生參與新興科技學校本位課程前後之科技態度變化及學習問題進行研究。本研究所得結論如下: 壹、新興科技學校本位課程發展歷程共分為準備期、摸索期、實驗試 教期以及新興科技課程建構期,而於準備期之分析情境階段,對 課程發展與實施有重要的影響,故於分析情境階段,需周詳考量 校內外各可能影響學校本位課程發展之因素。 貳、高中教師藉由與夥伴大學及鄰近科學博物館合作之方式,除補足 課程所需之器材設備及豐富課程教學活動安排,也更多培養學生 之新興科技知能。 参、參與新興科技學校本位課程發展之教師人力有限,加上參與課程 發展之教師需身兼多職,以致造成教師工作負荷過重,影響教師 持續參與新興科技課程發展之意願與士氣。 肆、新興科技學校本位課程之發展促進教師學習組織之形成,增進參 與課程發展之教師於一般、課程、教學與學科等專業知能及其專 業態度之成長,同時提升教師之專業自信。 伍、選修新興科技學校本位課程之學生,其科技態度之表現於上課前 後並無顯著性的差異。 陸、新興科技學校本位課程較一般科技課程有較多之實驗操作課程活 動,直接增進學生於新興科技課程之學習興趣,但有限的課程時 間以及缺乏課外參與新興科技活動之機會,造成學生深入學習及 探究新興科技課程之阻礙。 本研究根據研究所得結論之建議如下: 壹、發展與設計新興科技學校本位課程時,需注意分析情境之歷程, 注重學校學生之學習需求以及相關先備知能,以增進學生學習新 興科技課程之成效。 貳、參與新興科技學校本位課程發展之教師可嘗試使用不同的教學方 法取代傳統講述式教學法,嘗試多提供學生課外參與新興科技課 程相關活動之機會,培養學生主動探究新興科技之能力。 参、高中職可嘗試減少參與新興科技課程發展教師之任課時數,亦或 增聘研究助理協助教師處理新興科技課程發展之行政以及課程發 展事務,減輕教師之工作負擔。 肆、高中職可協助辦理與鼓勵教師參與增進其新興科技及各項專業知 能成長之相關研習與進修,鼓勵校內更多教師投入新興科技課程 之研發與設計工作,盡力取得社區及鄰近學校之支持與資源共享 機會,以達到科技向下及向外扎根之成效。 伍、政府宜鼓勵國內新興科技相關產業與研發機構主動積極與高中職 合作開發新興科技學校本位課程,除了減輕高中職建置及取得新 興科技設備之困難性,亦促進新興科技學校本位課程於高中職之 扎根。 陸、未來可針對高中新興科技學校本位課程之教師教學方法與學生學 習成效之相關、未選修新興科技課程之學生與選修之學生其科技 態度上的差異情形進行研究分析。


This research aims at exploring the process and the problems of developing school-based curriculum about emerging technology, the teachers’ professional growth, and the technology attitude and the learning problems of the students joining the emerging technology school-based curriculum in a senior high school. The objects of this research are the school principle, teachers and students in the senior high school developing school-based curriculum about emerging technology. The research methods are interview, documental analysis, quasi-experimental design (technology attitude questionnaire) and method of observation. The results revealed from this study and the conclusions are below: 1. The process of developing emerging technology school-based curriculum is divided into four stages: preparation period, fumble period, experiment period and curriculum construction period. The situation analysis stage of the preparation period plays an important role in the developing process. 2. The senior high teachers try to collaborate with partner universities and the neighbor museum of science to supply the curriculums with more equipments, promote the teaching activity variety, and cultivate the students’ knowledge and abilities of emerging technology. 3. Because the numbers of the teachers attending emerging technology curriculum are not enough and the teachers also have part-time administration jobs, they are usually overloaded with much work. And these reasons affect the teachers’ aspirations and morale to keep developing emerging technology school-based curriculums gradually. 4. Developing emerging technology school-based curriculums promotes learning groups of teachers, advances teachers’ professional growth and also encourages their professional confidences. 5. The technology attitude of the students taking emerging technology school-based curriculums doesn’t have remarkable differences. 6. Emerging technology school-based curriculums have more chances of operation and experiment than other technology curriculums. This promotes students interest in learning emerging technology. But, limited course time and lack of extracurricular activities about emerging technology are the obstacles affecting students’ learning effectiveness.


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(國科會補助專題研究計畫成果報告編號: NSC 96-2514-S-589-001-GJ)。台


