  • 學位論文


A Case Study of the Expeditionary Learning in Energy Course in a Senior High School in the Remote Area

指導教授 : 王麗雲


本研究旨在探討偏遠高中發展體驗式能源課程之歷程與問題,以及教師在發展體驗式能源課程時之專業成長情形,並同時探究學生參與體驗式能源課程前後之科學素養之變化及其學習問題,以作為偏遠高中實施類似課程之參考。   本研究之研究對象為台灣北部地區某一偏遠高中之參與體驗式能源課程之教師與學生,本研究採用訪談法、文件分析法以及準實驗研究法,對高中發展體驗式能源課程之歷程與問題、教師之專業成長情形以及學生參與體驗式能源課程前後之科學素養變化及學習問題進行研究。本研究所得結論如下: 壹、 透過教師專業發展過程,教師理解到體驗式學習的教學法與傳統教學不同之處,並將學習到的理念應用在課程設計中。 貳、 本次的課程以能源及環境教育為內容,課程本身是嚴謹的(Rigor)、和生活相關的(Relevance)及師生互信基礎上(Relationship)。 參、 教師們認為學生學習的主動性有所提升,對於K、T、Q的閱讀技巧及報告方式越來越熟練,蒐集資料的方式更加多元,利用小組成員專長做分工合作等成效。「高瞻計畫成效評估試題」測驗結果顯示差距不大。 肆、 升學考試仍主導學校教育,教師及學生為求高分,只能用速成的方式,背誦、強記書本上的內容以應付考試,對於體驗式學習需要花長時間進行討論、研究、反思的學習方式 ,從功利性學習效率的角度來考量,是課程實施的最大困難點。 根據研究結論,研究者並對後續研究提供若干建議。


The research aims to discuss the development process of expeditionary energy courses at remote high schools and the related issues, and teachers’ professional growth in developing the curriculum. Meanwhile, the surveys on the changes of scientific literacy and its learning problems in students’ participation before and after expeditionary energy courses can be used as the reference for the implementation of a similar course in remote high schools. The research subjects are teachers and students who participate in expeditionary energy courses in a remote high school of the northern Taiwan. Interviews, document analysis and quasi-experimental research method are used to conduct the research on the development of expeditionary energy courses in high schools, teachers’ professional growth and changes of scientific literacy and its learning problems in students’ participation before and after expeditionary energy courses. The research conclusions are as follows: 1. In the teachers’ professional developing process, teachers have learned how the teaching method of expeditionary learning differs from that of traditional learning and how the concept can be applied in curriculum design. 2. The course content mainly focuses on the energy and environmental education. The courses themselves are rigor, relevant to life and share a mutual trust in relationship between teachers and students. 3. In teachers’ opinions, students' initiative has improved, and K, T, Q reading skills and presentation skills are more proficient. There have been more diverse methods of collecting information and the division of labor depends on the expertise of the team members. The assessment results on High-Scope Program effectiveness evaluation questions show little difference. 4. The entrance examination is still leading school education in that teachers and students can only use the quickest way, namely reciting and rotting the contents of the books, to get high scores on the test. To consider the efficiency of learning from a utilitarian point of view, experiential learning style, which may take a lot of time to discuss, research, and reflect, has become the greatest difficulty in curriculum implementation. Based on research conclusions, the researcher will make several suggestions for further research.


