  • 學位論文


From the perspective of serious leisure on the experiential learning process of Tai Chi coaches

指導教授 : 蔡怡君


論文摘要 近年來民眾日益重視休閒,而學習太極拳,不僅實現深度休閒,同時兼顧學習與健康養生的目的,本研究欲探討太極拳教練深度休閒經驗學習歷程,盼透過研究,達到以下目的: 一、探究太極拳教練投入活動和教學之動機。 二、探究太極拳教練具備深度休閒者之特質。 三、瞭解太極拳教練由普通學習者變成教學者之經驗學習歷程。 四、瞭解由普通學習者成為太極拳教練之角色轉變的關鍵因素。 五、探究太極拳教練經驗學習後對個人身、心及日常生活之影響。 本研究採質化深度訪談的方式進行,並輔以半結構式的訪談大綱來蒐集六位太極拳教練,在深度休閒之經驗學習歷程。太極拳參與者拳齡從6至40年不等,年齡則介於41 至70歲之間,共計男性3 位、女性3 位。根據研究發現,歸納出結論如下: 一、太極拳教練投入太極拳活動之動機包含內外在之因素,持續投入教學動機則以教學相長、自我展現與分享,以及傳承傳統之內在因素為主。 二、太極拳教練具備堅持、好學、樂於分享、身心受益、深思遠慮、尊師重道、敬業樂群等深度休閒特質,持續學習後能志願利他,並具有傳承武德與拳藝的胸懷。 三、太極拳教練由普通學習者變成教學者之經驗學習歷程,包含Kolb的具體經驗、省思、抽象概念與主動實證,並能依不同的社會情境,採取高層次的反思性學習 四、普通學習者成為太極拳教練之角色轉變的關鍵因素包括:師長的提攜、夥伴的分享和引領、尊師認真的心態、反思性學習作為。 五、太極拳教練在經驗學習後改善了體質機能、覺察的能力、提昇心理素質,以及促進了圓融的人我關係


Abstract In recent years, recreation is getting more attention than ever. And learning Tai Chi Chuan not only experiences serious leisure, but also preserves people’s health. This research would like to demonstrate the way Tai Chi Chuan coaches engage in serious leisure, and also to achieve the following purpose: 1.discussing the motivation that the coaches to learn Tai Chi Chuan and to teach 2.discussing the characteristics of being serious leisure participant that the coaches have 3.understanding the experiencing learning process from an average learner to a coach 4.understanding the key point of role changing from an average learner to a coach 5.discussing affection on their body, mind and daily life after being a coach In this study, the necessary data about the process of experiential learning were collected by interviewing six Tai Chi Chuan coaches through qualitative in-depth interviews assisted with semi-structured interview outlines. These coaches are three males and three females and at age between 41 and 70. In addition, they have practicing Tai Chi Chuan for 6 to 40 years. Based on the research findings, conclusions are made as follows: 1.Their participating motivations include external and intrinsic factors, and some of most essential factors of teaching are advance learning, self-achievement, and continued tradition. 2.They have some characteristics of serious leisure, it appears benefit others voluntarily, more than willing to contribute, and aspiration for enhancing Tai Chi Chuan after sustained learning. 3.They could apply reflective learning under different social contexts for highly developed sense of achievement, which relates to Kolb experiential learning stage during the experiencing learning process from an average learner to a coach. 4.The key factors of role changing are guidance of the instructors who introduce them the sport, group sharing and support, respect to the master and his teaching, and self –reflection learning. 5.Through the experiencing learning process, a Tai chi Chuan instructor is well aware of improvement in health physically and mentally, rapport of people-I relation, establishment of life-time learning and sharing.


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