  • 學位論文


The Research on the Legislation of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林欣美


胚胎植入前遺傳診斷術(Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, PGD),係利用人工體外授精方式(In-Vitro Fertilization, IVF)所形成之胚胎(Embryo),於決定是否將其植入婦女體內前,先對胚胎之基因結構予以篩選的技術。依據美國約翰霍普金斯大學基因與公共政策中心(Genetics and Public Policy Center at Johns Hopkins University) 於西元2005年所針對190家在美國境內實施人工體外授精方式之醫療院所之調查,發現胚胎植入前遺傳診斷術不只用為針對重大致命遺傳疾病的診斷及預防,現已擴大其應用範圍至非重大致命遺傳疾病的檢測,甚至應用於非醫療用途。 胚胎植入前遺傳診斷術之應用,涉及重要憲法價值之利益衝突,包括胚胎生命權、父母生殖自由權及孩子自主決定權的相互衝突,透過不同法律間對胚胎的定位,及憲法基本權利之架構下釐清生殖自由權的內涵,及對於親子關係的探討,均有助於在法律政策上,決定如何選擇管制之方式及內容,以落實管理。 我國現行針對胚胎植入前遺傳診斷術,僅透過人工生殖法加以間接之規範,並不符合憲法法律明確性原則的要求。隨著人類對於基因科技之逐漸深入,對於基因如何控制人類之內、外在特質,均可能逐一解開,則胚胎植入前遺傳診斷術作為對胚胎之基因結構予以篩選的技術,被用來選擇或稱為訂製一個具有某種特質的後代,當不難想像。本文認為應就胚胎植入前基因診斷術具體應用的脈絡,而在法律政策上為不同的管制,並且整理分析比較德、英、日本及美國發表之相關文獻及法令規範,就胚胎植入前基因診斷術應用的四種類型,從治療預防疾病與強化身體機能的不同目的,提供具體而明確的立法建議,以供我國未來法律制定之參考。


Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a technique of testing embryos created through in vitro fertilization for a particular chromosomal abnormality or genetic disease before selection of embryos for transfer to a woman’s uterus. New data from a recent survey conducted by the Genetics and Public Policy Center at Johns Hopkins University suggests that some parents currently use PGD to select genetic characteristics beyond those linked to severe or deadly disease. However, it is possible for PGD to be used by prospective parents to select cha-racteristics of their children beyond those linked with serious immediate health concerns. The use of PGD is controversial. The regulation of PGD is related to a large number of substantial constitutional interests. The regulation of PGD by the government may be considered as restricting people’s reproductive right. On the other hand, the reasons to regulate PGD include the protection of embryos and the protection of potential children’s right to an open future. It is for the above-mentioned rights and interests that the study of PGD regulation is important and controversial. To date the only PGD regulation in our Country is through the indirect Artificial Reproduction Act , not meeting the requirement of legal certainty. Completely legal regulation remains impossible due to deficiency of social consensus on how to resolve the controversies. The specter of “designer babies” and parents selecting children based on characteristics such as appearance or intelligence has long haunted scientists, bioethicists, and policymakers alike. Will parents and providers employ PGD for such reasons if and when it is possible to do so? The thesis will survey the distinct approaches to regulating PGD in the German, Britain, Japan, and United States, as well as recent judicial decisions in these countries. It is meaningful to discuss what legislative standpoint should be held toward designing babies. Permitting under certain conditions might be a reasonable solution.


1、Michael J. Sandel著,樂為良譯,《正義:一場思辯之旅(Justice:What’s the Right Thing to Do?)》,頁34-35,雅言文化出版股份有限公司,台北(2011)。
