  • 學位論文


Research on Development Status of Construction Contractors

指導教授 : 陳建良


摘要 921集集大地震造成嚴重的傷亡,在此一事件中,被看到的除了是不肖建商偷工減料的惡行,也顯示出台灣當時台灣建築法規的不完善及缺點。根據內政部營建署報告指出,近年台灣營建業因市場逐漸萎縮,毛利率也逐年下降,再加上營建工程造價高、工期長及許多環境不確定性等因素及特質,本研究係以台灣營建承包業者做為主要研究對象,透過產業分析及個案公司經營狀況進行分析探討, 希望能透過文獻探討及個案研究分析達到以下之研究目的: 一、了解台灣建築承包產業過去發展歷史與現況。 二、分析台灣營建承包業者現今困境與未來。 三、歸納所得之研究結果,提供政府或相關業者因應之道。 根據個案,本研究歸列出下列目前工程承包商所面臨之困境:第一,各家發包公司之規格及要求不一,各家發包的營建公司及業者,都有自己一套的施工規範及要求,單價卻沒有因為這樣而水漲船高;第二,議價空間小,營建業者或業主發包方式通常採用比價式,由價格低者得標;第三,施工人員年齡老化問題,,目前在公司服務的員工,一半以上的員工年齡落在50歲左右,另一半則是剛出社會的人22歲左右,顯示出師傅年齡老化的問題。


建築工程 承包商


Abstract The 921-Chichi Earthquake caused serious casualties. In addition to this, it was seen as an abominable act of ignoring construction workers and cutting corners. It also showed Taiwan's imperfections and shortcomings at that time. According to the report of the Ministry of Interior's Construction Department, in recent years, due to the gradual shrinking of the market, the gross profit rate of the Taiwan construction industry has also been declining year by year. This, together with the high construction cost, long construction period, and many environmental uncertainties and other factors characterize Taiwan’s construction industry. The contractor is the main research object of this study. Through the analysis of the industry and the status of the case companies, this study is to achieve the following research objectives through literature review and case study analysis. First, understand the past development history and current status of Taiwan's construction contracting industry. Second, analyze the current and future difficulties of Taiwan's construction contractors.Third, sum up the findings of the study to provide appropriate suggestions to government or related businesses. Following are difficulties that the current construction contractors face: first, the specifications and requirements of the various contracting companies are different. Each contracting company has its own set of construction specifications but the unit price is basicall fixed. Secondly, the bargaining space is small, the contractor of the construction industry or the owner usually adopts a price comparison method and the price is low. Thirdly, the ageing problem of the construction staffs is serous. , More than half of the employees are about 50 years oldl and the other half are just around 22 years old. Age distribution of the construction masters is not even.


Construction Contractors


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