  • 學位論文


Thai Language Learning Process of New Residents in Taiwan: Cases of Taiwan-Thai Marriage Families

指導教授 : 陳佩修


「新住民」已成為台灣的第五大族群,而「新住民子女」正改變臺灣新生兒的人口結構。教育部於2009年部務會議通過「新移民子女教育改進方案」,母語學習成為新住民子女教育輔導的重點。然有許多學者研究臺灣各縣市東南亞母語推動的成果,發現以越南語為主,印尼語、菲律賓語則占少數,而泰語的部分目前沒有學校在推動。故本研究旨在探討臺泰跨國婚姻家庭之子女母語學習歷程。 藉由質性研究的方法,以深度訪談之方式進行研究。本研究根據立意取樣的方式,選定5位原國籍為泰國籍之泰裔新住民進行深度訪談,另外選定8位具有臺泰跨國婚姻家庭子女身分且就讀國小以上、能獨立作答的新住民二代做問卷回答問題,研究結果發現,泰籍與其他東南亞新住民二代學習異同之處。 一、 相同點: (一) 泰裔新住民家長教導子女母語之因素 1. 肯定子女學習母語的必要性 2. 學習母語主要目的在於增強溝通力與文化適應力 3. 學習母語(另一種語言)可增進國際觀 4. 同儕(新住民朋友)的鼓勵與建議是促使教導子女學習母語的助因 (二) 泰裔新住民家長教導子女母語之困境 1. 因工作忙碌,無暇教導子女母語 2. 家庭中其他成員反對 3. 母語發音的難度阻礙教導子女學習母語 (三) 泰裔新住民家長教導子女母語之層面與方式 1. 以教導日常生活用語為主 2. 以引起孩子的興趣為主要目的 3. 使用母語教學書籍 4. 講述母語故事 二、 相異點: (一) 不認為教導母語會影響國語學習 (二) 願意帶孩子參與同鄉的聚會 (三) 願意帶孩子回泰國居住一段時間,以融入當地生活 (四) 願意運用科技工具與網路媒體學習泰語 研究結果,能提供東南亞新住民、學校、相關教育政策及未來研究者之參考。


The new residents has become the fifth ethnic group in Taiwan. The children of the new residents has gradually affected on the composition of the newborn. Ministry of Education implements a policy to make the children of the new residents learn the native language of their mother’s. Many researches reveal that the native language courses in Vietnam, Indonesian and Filipino account for the majority. There is no Thai course in school. Thus, the aim of this study is to discuss the learning processes of the children in Taiwan-Thai family. The qualified method, deep interview, was employed. The study purposively sampled five Thai new immigrants to conduct the deep interview. And then, eight children of the new immigrant were selected to answer the questionnaire. The findings show there are some similarities and differences with previous research. 1. Similarities: (1) Learning motivation A. Essentiality B. Improve the communication and the cultural adaptation C. Improve the global vision D. Peer inspiration and suggestion (2) Learning dilemma A. Busy in work B. Family opposition C. Difficulty in pronunciation in the native language (3) Learning method A. Life conversation B. Leaning interests C. Textbooks in the native language D. Fairytale story in the native language 2. Difference: (1) non-conflicting in learning Chinese and the mother’s language (2) willing to join in unions with the child (3) willing to let the child stay in Thai, learning the local custom (4) willing to use technology and the internet to teach Thai The research results can be a reference for the new immigrant from east-southern Asia, the school, the education policy and the future research.


一、 中文部分
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