  • 學位論文


Fu Dao:The Role of Housewives in the Literati's family in Ming and Qing

指導教授 : 王鴻泰


本文主要透過於「生活史」的研究取向,藉由主婦角色為主軸的視角,落實於明清士人家庭生活情境進行觀察,企以呈現明清士人家庭生活的具體樣態,同時突顯出明清士人不同其他職業群體的生活處境,以及其自身不同生命階段(如舉業經營、仕宦階段)的家庭生活情境進行探討。為了能夠將士人置回其日常所屬的「家庭生活」空間下進行討論,本文將把論述主軸集中於「主婦」角色,試圖藉由士人家庭生活中的女性成員落實於家庭生活中,「為人婦」、「為人妻」、「為人母」不同職能角色的實踐過程中,對應出士人角色對於家庭(成員)力量的依賴,以及家庭(成員)力量回應於士人之所需的互動情境,藉以貼近常態性的士人生活處境與其家庭生活樣態。 著力於「主婦」角色為論述主體的家庭生活情境觀察之中,呈現出不同於士人角色(男性成員)立場的觀點。尤其是落實於明清士人家庭生活情境中,男性成員普遍「不在家」亦或是「不理家」的情況下,男性成員日趨將其所應承擔起的家庭生活情境下的權責,逐一的讓渡甚至是推卸,這時身為「主婦」角色的女性成員掌握「內政」的職權,勢必在此過程中不斷擴大。只是,伴隨著士人(男性成員)無論是在生活經歷的需求上、或是精神情感層次的寄託上,不斷呈現「遠離家庭」的趨勢,當這份「疏離感」從空間距離擴大延伸至內顧責任或情感互動層面上時,這將顯示出存在於明清士人家庭性別分工極端化狀態下,所可能產生的立場對立與衝突危機。


士人 士人家庭 主婦 婦女 家庭生活 性別分工


This thesis, based on the approach of “Daily Life” research, through the perspective of the roles of housewives in the literati’s family life in Ming and Qing, tries to present the specific situation of the literati’s family life, to highlight the living situation of the literati, which is different from other occupation groups, and to discuss the literati's life phases, for instance the period of preparing for the examinations and the stage of official career. In order to debate the literati from their routine situation in family, the thesis will focus mainly on the roles of housewives, trying to observe their different parts played in the literati’s family-as a daughter-in-law, as a wife, and as a mother. Through the process of realizing their roles, these female members show their powers on which the literati rely and the support of family members to literati. By such interaction, we can be much closer to the living situation and family life of the literati. By taking the housewives as our main characters in observing the literati’s family life, we would like to differ from the perspective of the literati’s (male member). In the family of Ming and Qing, male members were generally absent from or ignorant of home, so they were yielded to and alienated from their responsibilities to family day by day, and then the female members, as housewives, would hold more and more power in domestic administration. Once, with the literati's needs in living or in spiritual comfort, the male members were far away from family step by step. As such sense of alienation extended from spatial distance to emotional interaction, it would underline the opposing positions and family crisis under a radical gender division of labor in the literati's family of Ming and Qing.


