  • 學位論文


The Exploration of the employment impacted by the Job Accommodation Policy for the Person with Visional Impairment

指導教授 : 王育瑜


本研究旨在探討職務再設計對視覺障礙者就業的影響情形,主要從職務再設計措施使用者與提供者的立場出發,來了解職務再設計協助視覺障礙者排除工作障礙的介入情況、職務再設計對視覺障礙者進入職場後的就業影響情形、以及現行職務再設計施行上的問題及其因應策略。本研究係採取質性研究方法,透過立異抽樣與滾雪球的取樣方式找尋研究對象,並運用半結構式的深度訪談法,針對十四位視覺障礙者與十位職務再設計相關實務工作者進行資料的蒐集。   本研究發現,視覺障礙者在就業的過程中,往往會受到視覺限制與環境阻礙的影響而遭遇工作障礙問題。然而,慶幸的是,經由職務再設計的提供,將可「使能」與「充權」視覺障礙者,意即,讓視覺障礙者能夠扭轉其在職場中所遭遇的障礙困境,藉以跳脫工作障礙順利執行工作,並增進視覺障礙者達到獨立自主工作,促使他們能夠獲得資源、能量與權力,而從消極、被動的接受者或待著者,轉變為積極、主動的掌控者與自決者,進而得以反轉其在參與就業過程中備受排除與壓制的不利處境,以及提高視覺障礙者在職場中的工作效率與工作表現。於此同時,透過職務再設計的實施,亦能促使僱用單位體察與了解視覺障礙者的協助需要,並願意提供必要的調整與改善措施,據以增進視覺障礙者在職場中工作的就業安全。惟需留意的是,職場的環境阻礙、職務再設計資源挹注的多寡及其品質的良窳,均會影響職務再設計協助視覺障礙者排除工作障礙之成效。   再者,藉由職務再設計的挹注,將可進一步促使視覺障礙者能夠適應與勝任工作,並達到職場的考評要求,藉以促進其繼續與穩定就業。同時,透過職務再設計的使用,亦可讓視覺障礙者跨越障礙限制以順利參與各項職業進修,俾憑提升與儲備未來職業發展之能量。不僅如此,當職務再設計的理念能夠落實於職場時,亦有助於視覺障礙者獲得適性就業,使其優勢與潛能得以在職場中發揮,並讓視覺障礙者的工作能力有機會日益被職場肯定與看見,俾利增進其獲得充分參與就業及職涯發展的機會,從而能夠提高視覺障礙者整體工作和生活的品質。然而,值得一提的是,倘未能根本消弭環境阻礙並讓視覺障礙者從事適性的職務,亦或未能即時提供視覺障礙者足適可及的支持協助,將陷視覺障礙者於永無止境的工作障礙困境中,職務再設計協助視覺障礙者排除工作障礙之實益亦會因此遭致衝擊,而資源錯置浪費與不敷使用的問題亦會隨之而生,甚至迫使視覺障礙者被扣上工作能力差或無工作能力的污名,社會排除亦將成為視覺障礙者參與就業過程中所會面臨的一大挑戰。   此外,在實務中,尚有不少僱用單位或視覺障礙者,因為對職務再設計的認識不足或誤解,亦或懷疑職務再設計協助視覺障礙者排除工作障礙的幫助實益,再加上當前過於繁複的申辦程序,亦或唯恐造成過高的施行負擔,終致對職務再設計的申辦有所保留與顧忌。另外,茲因在相關的現行法規中,尚無明文規範僱用單位具有施行職務再設計的責任,以致部份職場為了避免產生過多額外的僱用成本負擔,或是基於職場隱私與機密考量,亦或受制於經費預算不足或委外契約限制等因素,而無法配合協助施行職務再設計。除此之外,肇因職務再設計的申辦程序繁冗耗時,且缺乏積極彈性的服務提供機制與完備的配套協助措施,不但衍生延宕職務再設計實施進度的問題,亦產生評估審查期間空窗期致視覺障礙者深陷求助無援的窘境。另外,囿於評估審查人員的相關專業知能與實務經驗不足,亦或一味地以專家觀點來評判視覺障礙者的工作障礙與協助需求,以及現行的措施評估機制另存在著訪視評估短暫片段、經濟成本至上、以及扁平化與切割視覺障礙者協助需求之謬誤等缺失,終致職務再設計的審核結果未能回應視覺障礙者的實際協助需要。   有鑑於此,勞政當局可藉由強化措施宣導機制、改善申辦程序、開放個人申請途徑、立法明定僱用單位責任、建置便捷可及服務、創造措施多元誘因、提供充分完備配套協助資源、施行以人為中心而非專業霸權的服務、開放多元參與機制、以及建置與發展專業及其人力等策略,從職務再設計措施的制度面、法規面及服務供給等面向進行必要的改善與調整,並根本地消弭環境阻礙,俾利視覺障礙者能夠即時獲得足適可及的職務再設計協助,藉以排除工作障礙,反轉其在職場中備受壓制的障礙窘境,進而能夠充分參與就業,以促進與保障視覺障礙者的就業權益。


This study aimes to explore the employment impacted by the Job Accommodation Policy for the person with visional impairment, primarily from the position of the Job Accommodated for the users and providers, to help understand to what extent the Job Accommodation Policy can assist in ridding the visional impaired person of job barriers, what impact it may cause on them after they enter the career, what problems may occur when the Job Accommodation is implemented, as well as the possible strategies to cope with it. This study uses qualitative research methods, looks for the study subjects through purposive sampling method and snowball sampling method, and uses the semi-structured in-depth interviews method to collect data from fourteen person with visional impairment and ten related practitioners of the Job Accommodation Policy. The study found that visional impaired people will encounter barriers induced by their visual limitation and the environmental restriction in the workplace. Fortunately, the performance of the Job Accommodation Policy 'enables' and 'empowers' these people, that means, to help them reverse the bad situation that they meet in the workplace, so as to trip off the barriers they encounter, to offer a good environment for them to work autonomously. Besides, to enable them to get resources, energy and power, and to transform them from the pessimistic role of a submissive follower into the optimistic role of a dominant self-leader. Thus to transfer the unsupportive situation of being marginalized and being suppressed, and to promote their work efficiency and performance. The carrying out of the Job Accommodation Policy also urges the employer to observe and realize the need of person with visional impairment. This makes them more willing to provide the necessary adjustment and improvement, that could enhance the employment security on the workplace for the person with visional impairment. Note that both of the hindrance of the entire environment as well as the injected amount and quality of the Job Accommodation resources could be influential on how the Job Accommodation dissolves the barriers confronted by visional-impaired people in their workplace. Furthermore, involving in the Job Accommodation Policy will allow the person with visional impairment to adapt the job with higher professional competence, and to meet the requirements of the job and perform well in the evaluation ,so as to give them the capability to maintain and stablize their jobs. In addition ,the person with visional impairment benefitted from the Job Accommodation Policy, could overcome the barriers and restrictions they confront when participating in the vocational training, and in so doing they could increase and reserve the energy to develop their future career. Not only that, when the Job Accommodation Policy is implemented in the workplace, that also helps the person with visional impairment to obtain suitable employment, that make their advantages and potential be exploited in the workplace, and accordingly their ability to work could gradually be discovered and approved. In this way, they could obtain the opportunity of full participation in employment and career development, and even would be able to enhance the overall quality of their work and life. But we should note that, if the environmental hinderance could not be eliminated radically, and the person with visional impairment could not choose the jobs suitable for them , or the appropriate and available assistance could not be provided on time for them, it would make the person with visional impairment trapped in the endless plight of barriers of work. Furthermore, it would also impact the benefit brought by the job accommodation policy, and would lead to the problems of misplacement, waste and inadequat use of the resources. What's even worse, it would put on the person with visional impairment the stigma of being poor or incapable of working, and the social exclusion is also becoming a big challenge for visonal-impaired people during the process of employment. Moreover, in practice, there are a lot of employing units or visually impaired person keep the attitude of reservation and worry about the application of the Job Accommodation Policy, for the lack of understanding or misunderstanding of the Job Accommodation Policy, the doubt of whether the policy could help them to exclude the barriers of work, the current over-complicated application procedures, or the worry about the excessive burden of Implementation. In addition, because of the lack of the related regulations for the responsibility of the employers to obey the Job Accommodation Policy, a part of organizations are unable to cooperate on the implementation of Job Accommodation Policy for the avoidance of excessive employment costs, for the concerning about the privacy and confidentiality of the organization, or for the insufficiency of the budget and the restriction of outsourcing contracts and so forth. Moreover,due to the tedious and time-consuming application procedure of the Job Accommodation Policy,and the lack of the flexible service-offering mechanism and complete supporting measures, it not only results in the problem of the delayed progress of the implementation of Job Accommodation Policy, but also cause the helpless status of the person with visional impairment during the window period of assessment review. Beside what is mentioned above, the result of the assessment fails to reflect on the actual need for assistance of the visional impaired person, for the reason that the assessor have little professional competence and practical experiences, that the ongoing assessment review mechanism still exists shortages such as the fragments of the on-site visiting assessment, the concept that economic costs are supreme, and the fallacy of flatting and cutting the need of the visional impaired person. In view of this, the labour policy bureau could undergo strategies like strengthening the propaganda mechanism, improving application procedure, offering ways for individual application, ensuring the responsibility of employing units in legislation, setting up convenient and available services, creating multiple incentives, providing sufficient and complete assistant resources, unlocking the mechanism for multiple ways of participation, giving a service centering on the object in need rather than on the expert of hegemony, and building and developing the professional specialty and manpower. From these strategies the bureau could improve and adjust the aspects of system, regulations, service etc. Job Accommodation Policy, and wipe out the environmental hindrance from the root, in order to help the visional impaired person to obtain the appropriate and available assistance of the Job Accommodation Policy. Through these measures the blocks of jobs could be eliminated, and the dilemmas confronted in the workplace could be reversed. In so doing, the visional inpaired person are able to fully participate in the job market, and the benefits of employees could be protected and promoted.


王國羽、呂朝賢(2004)。世界衛生組織身心障礙人口定義概念之演進:兼論我國身心障礙人口定義系統問題與未來修正方向。社會政策與社會工作學刊,8(2), 193-235。
