  • 學位論文

老年人在e 時代的生活因應與調適之研究

A Study on the Coping and Adaptation of the Elderly In the Electronic Era

指導教授 : 周美伶


e 時代是屬於高科技和資訊豐富、快速變遷的時代。本研究旨在瞭解老年人在e時代的生活因應與調適之問題與困難,其生活影響的因素以及所採取的因應與調適策略。研究乃透過質性人物訪談的分享資料作分析。研究結果發現,e時代雖然是高科技時代,對於老年人來說,科技和e產品如智慧手機和電腦雖然已經普及化,卻不是他們生活的全部, 一般老年人認為心靈的需要和生理的健康更為重要。 e 時代也是一個年輕人忙碌的時代,因此在人際關係上,為了與晚輩們和平共處,老年人採取不幹預晚輩們的忙碌生活。雖然智慧手機和電腦在老年人的生活中並非首要,他們卻逐漸認同智慧手機已是e化生活的必需品。不過,對電腦網絡不熟悉的老年人仍無法信任已經越來越流行的網購或網上銀行的賬務交易,覺得實體銀行較安全。有鑒於生理機體老化的局限,因此老年人生活在科技時代,凡事採取量力而為, 隨遇而安的心態,同時也以積極的心擁抱科技,以跟上e時代的生活步伐。


老年人 e時代生活 因應 調適


The electronic era (E-era) is high-tech, information-rich and a rapidly changing era. This study aims to understand the problems and difficulties the elderly face in coping with and adjusting to living in this era, the factors that influence their lives, as well as the strategies that they take to respond and adapt to these changes. The method of research of this paper will be through a qualitative analysis of interviews with various individuals. The outcomes of this research has shown that although the E-era is an era of advanced technology, and technological and e-products like mobile phones and computers has been popularized, such elements of the era do not consume their entire life. Most elderly still regard spiritual needs and physical health to be more important. The young people of the E-era often busy with their lives. Therefore, in order to live harmoniously with the younger generation, older persons prefer not to interfere with their busy lifestyles. Although mobile phones and computers are not important to the daily needs of the elderly, they begin to acknowledge that the smart phone is a necessity of the e-lifestyle. However, due to unfamiliarity towards the workings of internet, older persons are still hesitant to shop online or to use internet banking, both gaining popularity. They feel that it is safer to do their banking at the physical branch. Given the physiological limitations due to aging, elderly persons living in this technological age, often take everything within their means, and adopt a go-with-the-flow attitude. At the same time, in a positive way, they continue to embrace technology to keep pace with life in the E-era.


Elderly e-Lifestyle Coping Adaptation


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