  • 學位論文


The Analysis of the Relationships among Student Background, School Teaching, Cram Schools and Mathematics Learning

指導教授 : 吳京玲


臺灣學生在國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查(Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study,簡稱TIMSS)中,數學成績雖然排名亮眼,但對於學習數學的效能感及價值感卻普遍低落。本研究採用臺灣學生學習成就評量2015年資料庫(Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement, 簡稱TASA),透過獨立樣本t檢定與多元迴歸,探討不同背景變項的學生在學校教學與校外補習的差異,以及學生背景、學校教學、校外補習與數學效能感、價值感之關係。研究結果顯示: 一、男生比女生擁有較高的數學效能感,但兩性的數學價值感未呈現差異。 二、在學生背景中,性別和經濟資本,而非母親國籍,是影響數學效能感及價值感的重要因素。 三、在學校教學中,課堂教學比補救教學對數學效能感及價值感的影響更大。 四、在不同校外補習類型中,才藝補習比學科補習對數學效能感及價值感的影響更大。 最後,本研究根據研究結論,針對教育行政機關、教育工作者、家長、研究人員提出共四項具體建議,作為發展學生的數學效能感與價值感之參考。


The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) reveals that, Taiwanese students have scored high in Mathematics tests, but low in Mathematical efficacy and value. This study used the 2015 Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement (TASA) database to explore students from different background on school teaching and cram schools, and the relationship among school teaching, cram schools and Mathematical efficacy and value through independent t-test and multiple regression. The results of this study are as following: 1. Boys showed higher Mathematical efficacy than girls did, but no significant difference in Mathematical value. 2. In student background, gender and economic capital, not mother’s nationality, were significant factors affecting Mathematical efficacy and value. 3. In school teaching, class teaching was more influential than Mathematics remedial teaching on Mathematics efficacy and value. 4. Among various types of cram schools, talent cram schools were more influential than subject cram schools on Mathematics efficacy and value. Finally, the researcher proposed four practical suggestions targeting educational administrators, teachers, parents, and future researchers to enhance students' Mathematical efficacy and value.


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