  • 學位論文


Applying the Collaboration Platform for the Community Nutrition Delivery–a Case Stydy of an Association in Miaoli County

指導教授 : 戴榮賦


因高齡社會的台灣人口現況,以及面對社區人口老化的趨勢和問題,長期照顧服務需求與日俱增,所以每日不可或缺的營養餐食,卻成為社區老人首先要解決的問題。 從苗栗某協會社區營養送餐服務,運用協作平台的歷程中,所面臨現況困境為何?及偏鄉送餐服務除了提供送餐外,其在地的問題為何?延伸價值服務是什麼? 故探討數位化資訊協作平台,社區營養送餐服務流程的影響,送餐人員對於協作平台使用的經驗,以及送餐問題的因應作為,並期待數位化提升工作效率,而後減少人力負擔,於整體之服務中,相對消弭偏鄉社區的數位落差,吸取使用中經驗及數位演化歷程,媒合跨域整合的社區資源,進而改善在地社區問題與困境,形成在地創新模式,達到服務品質之成效。 因應社會脈動的趨勢發展,同時面對疫情(嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎Covid-19),順應防疫政策和因應作為,於社區服務對象有著不同程度的影響,也是社福機構營運應變的挑戰。 因此數位化應對場域地區性、服務對象、相對特性問題,衍生自有的模式,進而相仿,創新服務發展。亦須持續長期投入數位教育訓練,消弭偏鄉數位落差,而後善用數位工具,整合內外資源,進而產生效益。 實施進行蒐集資料和問題歸納,依在地跨域媒合專業,進行解決策略的擬定,從困境中轉變,從社區服務發展的延續,亦須具在地文化,創新發展既有價值,延伸出應對方案之創新服務,與在地文化繼續延續創新服務價值。


It’s the trend and problem that we should face to, aging society- the current situation of population in Taiwan. The requirement of long-term care is increasingly followed. Daily meals became the priority for the elders in the community, therefore. What’s the difficulty a certain association of Miao-li encountering now during applying the collaboration platform? And what else problems for the remote villages would probably face besides the meal-delivery? What extra services are? Thus, we explored the digital information collaboration platform, the impact of the meal-delivery procedure of the community, the experience of the delivery personnel in using the collaboration platform, and their reactions to the delivery problems. In addition, we expected to up-grade the efficiency by means of the digital platform and reduce the overloaded of man power. In the mean time we wanted to bridge the gap in using digital platform of rural communities, integrate cross-domain community resources to improve local community problems and dilemmas, form a local innovation model, and achieve the effect of the service quality. The social welfare organizations are going to meet a great challenge because their clients are impacted by the development of social trends and the epidemic (Severe Specific Infectious Pneumonia Covid-19), the prevention policies and actions. Therefore, digitization should derive its own model, and then imitate the model to innovate service for the problems of localities, service targets, and relative characteristics. The requirement is needed to be invented for a long and continuous time on education and training to eliminate the digital gap in rural areas, and then make good use of digital tools and integrate internal and external resources to generate benefits.   What we should do is doing the data collection and summing the problems up, and formulating the solution strategy according to the professional matchmakers of the local Cross-Domain. Furthermore, we have to make a change from the difficult situation, which must also contain the local culture, and to continue the evolvement of the community service. Innovation development is both valuable and can be extended to provide innovative services with solutions that can be integrated with the local culture and continue the value of innovative services.


