  • 學位論文


Research for integrating green care and counseling - exploring the process of battered women participating in horticultural therapy groups

指導教授 : 蕭文


本研究主要探討受暴婦女參與園藝治療團體在團體歷程中的改變,以及促成受暴婦女參與園藝治療團體後改變之團體療效因子。本研究採用質性研究,針對八位受暴時間達二年以上之婦女進行為期六週,每次3小時的園藝治療團體。研究發現: 一、園藝治療團體促成改變因素歸納為自我、情緒與關係等三大層面,包括:增加自我覺察、學習自我肯定、重視自我價值、增進自我效能、發揮自我韌性、調整認知思考、產生具體行動、釋放壓力情緒、提升正向情緒、學習情緒管理、能夠自在表達、改變人際知覺、增加同理能力、轉換相處態度、釐清關係界線、改善關係互動、找到支持力量、懂得感恩回饋等18個改變因素。 二、結果為受暴婦女在自我層面改變次數最多、在情緒層面改變以提升正向情緒為主軸、受暴婦女在關係層面改變在團體末期有大幅增加。 三、園藝治療團體療效因子歸納為團體氛圍、成員互動、領導者及體驗實作等四大向度,包括:凝聚、宣洩、利他、普同、多元、認同、人際學習、希望灌注、引導、投入、賦能、專注、轉化、連結、存在等15項療效因子。 四、園藝治療團體療效因子具有普遍性,其中團體氛圍向度為團體療效因子的主軸、成員互動向度對於關係層面改變很重要、領導者向度對於受暴婦女有其特殊意義、體驗實作向度發揮園藝治療與諮商專業結合之療效,另外,團體外療效因子及三角治療關係帶來延續性影響。 最後,研究者依據結果進行綜合討論,並提出建議以供未來研究與實務工作者參考。


This study mainly investigates changes in group course of battered women in horticultural therapy group, as well as the therapeutic group factors that contributed to changes in battered women after participating in horticultural therapy group. In this qualitative study, research was conducted on eight women who had suffered violence longer than two years for a six-week, three-hour each, horticultural therapy group. This study finds: 1.The change factors facilitated by horticultural therapy group can be generalized into three major levels: self, emotion, and relationships. The 18 change factors include: increase self-awareness, learn self-assertiveness, emphasize self-worth, improve self-efficacy, display self-resilience, adjust one’s cognitive thinking, produce concrete actions, release stressful emotions, enhance positive emotions, learn emotional management, be able to freely express oneself, change interpersonal perceptions, increase the ability to empathize, transform attitude toward relationships, clarify the relationship’s boundaries, improve interaction in relationships, find support, and know how to give thanks and feedback. 2.Study results indicate that the most frequent changes observed in battered women occur at the self-level. Changes at the emotional level are mainly along the enhancing positive emotions axis. At the relationship level, changes in battered women saw substantial increases at the end of group treatment. 3.Horticultural therapy group’s therapeutic factors can be grouped into four major dimensions: group atmosphere, members’ interaction, leaders, and hands-on experience and implementation. The 15 therapeutic factors include: cohesion, catharsis, altruism, universality, pluralism, recognition, interpersonal learning, hope infusion, guidance, dedication, empowerment, concentration, transformation, connection, and existence. 4.The effect of horticultural therapy group’s therapeutic factors is universal, of which the group atmosphere dimension takes on a principal role among the group therapeutic factors. The members’ interaction dimension is important for changes at the relationship level, while the leader dimension has a special significance to battered women. The hands-on experience and implementation dimension exhibits and brings out the combined therapeutic effects of horticultural therapy and counseling. In addition, out-of-group therapeutic factors and triangular treatments produce a continuity effect. Finally, the author provides a comprehensive discussion based on the study’s results and offers recommendations to future research and practitioners for reference purposes.


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