  • 學位論文

台灣咖啡品牌形象建構之研究-微電影第一杯咖啡 的敘事結構分析

Research on the Construction of Taiwan Coffee Brand Image-Analysis of the Narrative Structure of the Microfilm “But First, Coffee”

指導教授 : 鄭健雄
共同指導教授 : 黃俊哲(Chun-Che Huang)


微電影約莫從2010年後被廣泛應用於廣告與行銷上,其本身具有故事吸引力大、形式親和力強、傳播範圍廣等三大優勢,因此,企業或政府組織紛紛採用微電影行銷產品、建構品牌形象與日俱增。 2021年台灣政府首次針對單一農產品的台灣咖啡豆,以微電影作為品牌形象的行銷工具,設定日本為優先進軍的目標市場,邀請台灣與日本兩國的知名演員共同擔綱演出「第一杯咖啡」微電影,透過台灣咖啡小農的生產經營模式的用心與堅持,刻畫台灣咖啡有別於全球主要咖啡產地的本質與特色,企圖建構「台灣咖啡」的品牌形象,該片於2021年11月在日本上映後引發不小迴響。 本研究以第一杯咖啡微電影為個案,探究微電影究竟要建構台灣咖啡的品牌形象,透過內容分析法解構第一杯咖啡微電影的敘事結構,把關鍵敘事中潛藏關於台灣咖啡的特色或精神所要傳遞的品牌個性、品牌聯想等象徵性(symbolic)的品牌形象發掘出來。過去關於品牌形象的相關研究多數只從消費者對產品的品牌知覺途徑出發,探究消費者感知品牌形象的效果研究。本研究之取徑則是反過來探索拍攝完成之微電影其建構的品牌形象,也就是探索傳播者企圖要傳遞給消費者的品牌形象。 研究結果發現,第一杯咖啡微電影應用「虛實歷史融合品牌故事」、「感性訴求為主理想訴求為輔」、「貼近目標消費者同理心」等三個品牌形象的行銷策略,透過「象徵性品牌形象」建構方式,企圖形塑台灣咖啡是「優雅的」、「和藹的」、「穩定的」品牌個性;同時,企圖形塑台灣咖啡是「世界冠軍等級咖啡」的屬性聯想、「高品質安全可靠咖啡」的利益聯想以及「堅持生態永續生產咖啡」的態度聯想,用以傳遞台灣咖啡為「值得與最在乎的人分享的好咖啡」、「令人念念不忘的好咖啡」、「誠懇用心的好咖啡」、「值得時間等待的好咖啡」的品牌價值,從而建構台灣咖啡的品牌形象,並定位台灣咖啡為量少質精的精品咖啡。


Microfilms have been widely used in advertising and marketing since 2010, and it’s shown us the three major advantages: great story appeal, strong form affinity, and wide spread. In addition, it has created an indispensable role for micro-films in integrated marketing.as soon as it obtains the incomparable advantages of traditional audio-visual advertisements. In this case, microfilm has become the first option for more and more enterprises and government organizations willing to promote the market products and shape their brand images. Originally, when Taiwan government selected Taiwan coffee bean as a single agricultural product, microfilm was made as a marketing tool for brand image in 2021, and targeted Japan consumers a priority market. The film invited well-known actors from Taiwan and Japan to co-star in a microfilm titled "But First, Coffee". Based on the history of Taiwanese coffee, the film highlighted on the story of the initial coffee which was introduced, planted, abandoned and revived over the past century in land of this island. Thoughtfully, the film was coherently made to describe Taiwanese coffee as a plot of the intersection of family and love across three generations of Japanese and Taiwanese. Significantly, the characteristics and essence of Taiwanese coffee are different from other countries in the plot of this film. Eventually, The government-funded the microfilm, which aimed to shape the brand image of "Taiwanese coffee", made Japanese society greatly impressed when it is released in Japan in November 2021. Therefore, in team of the study, we are trying to deconstruct the narrative structure of the "But First ,Coffee" microfilm, and explore the symbolic brand image such as brand personality and brand association contained in the brand characteristics and brand spirit of Taiwanese Coffee. The different points of view in this study are proposing to clarify, from owners and creator’s perspectives, what and how brand image of the microfilm wants to convey to consumers rather than consumers' brand perception of products which explore the brand image perceived by consumers themselves. The results of the research be concluded as "But First ,Coffee" micro-movie applied three marketing strategies of brand image, namely "integrating brand stories with virtual and real history", "emotional appeals as the main supplement to rational appeals", and "strive for consumer empathy". Through the symbolic brand image construction method, it attempt to shape the brand personality of Taiwan coffee as "elegant", "friendly" and "stable" at the same time, as well as it attempts to shape the attribute association of Taiwan coffee as "world champion coffee", " the benefit association of high-quality, safe and reliable coffee" and the attitude association of "insisting on the production of coffee in the spirit of ecological sustainability" convey the brand value of Taiwan coffee as "good coffee is worth to share with the people who care mostly about ", "good coffee will people often miss", "good coffee is because it is full of sincerity and heart “and "good coffee deserves waiting for" to construct the brand image of Taiwanese coffee. And positioning Taiwan coffee as a specialty coffee with low quantity and high quality.


