  • 學位論文

運用生物電阻抗技術建構一非侵入式遠距2-D成像系統應用於表層組 織病變偵測之研發

The use of a bioimpedance technique on the construction of a noninvasive and wireless 2-D image system for the detection of the pathological changes of superficial tissues

指導教授 : 程德勝




Pathological changes of superficial tissues are a serious problem in Taiwan. For example, pressure sore may cause patient’s limb amputation at the end if no attention has paid for them. Besides, oral and skin cancers are also a serious problem forcing Taiwan. In order to detect a massive area of pathological changes of superficial tissues, this study aims to develop a wireless system to image the changes of superficial tissues by the used of Labview based on bioimpedance technique. The system mainly consists of 2 parts: Hardware and software. For the part of hardware, it is composed of Zigbee transmission, signal generation, bioimpedance measurement, and multiplexers. For the part of software, it consists of Zigbee receiving and Labview imaging software. Evaluations show that the system is accuate and has the ability to show the location of the pathological changes of superficial tissues.


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[2] 臺北榮民總醫院高齡醫學中心,“老年人的健康服務需要”,網址:http://wd.vghtpe.gov.tw/GERM/File/%E8%80%81%E5%B9%B4%E4%BA%BA%E7%9A%84%E5%81%A5%E5%BA%B7%E6%9C%8D%E5%8B%99%E9%9C%80%E8%A6%81.htm,最後點閱時間:2013/05/25。
[3] 仁愛醫療財團法人,“壓瘡的認識與預防”,網址:http://www.jah.org.tw/form/index-1.asp?m=3&m1=8&m2=366&gp=361&id=528,最後點閱時間:2013/05/25。
[4] 行政院衛生署(2012),“民國101年十大死因統計”,網址:
