  • 學位論文

運用QR code於線上點餐系統之設計與研究

Design and investigation of Online Restaurant System with QR code

指導教授 : 陳小芬


隨著資通訊科技的進步電子商務也開始蓬勃發展,消費者的購物習慣正逐年改變,各行各業欲掌握此一商機紛紛推出虛擬商場,冀能透過網路無遠弗屆之力量輔以行動智慧終端以發掘更多新顧客,開拓企業展新契機。但是現今多數中小型的餐飲業大部分尚未進入電子商務市場,仍只採用臨櫃點餐或電話點餐之傳統服務模式,以致在用餐尖峰時段容易造成店內顧客等候,導致影響店家之服務品質與滿意度,店家也無法掌握更有效之行銷及餐點與人力之有效運用。 本研究旨在探討線上點餐服務相關之技術與可行性,除了瞭解市面上已有之成功電子商務模式外,同時探討智慧辨識技術裡之多項成熟技術之應用。由於QR code 技術具有高安全性、高容錯性與成本較經濟等之特性,因此本研究採用其為線上點餐系統之主要辨識技術,未來可供餐飲業使用。系統將QR Code技術納入,主要提供客戶於行動智慧終端訂購餐點後,以QR Code作為交易憑據,實現訂單憑據電子化,藉以改善傳統點餐方式之缺點,提升點餐流程之效率。店家採用線上點餐系統,除了可給予顧客新穎的點餐體驗以提升其滿意度外,服務流程的自動化能達到降低人力成本的花費、提升服務人員之工作效率,同時點餐及訂單資料亦可協助店家及消費者做生產管理及個人飲食管理,充分發揮行動科技所帶來的價值與更大的商務效益。 最後本研究從經濟面、技術面、操作面等觀點來評估線上點餐系統於營運上之可行性,以俾掌握影響系統上線之關鍵因素及提出解決方案,可供未來實施電子商務之參考。


With the advancement of information and communication technologies, e-commerce also begins to flourish. Catering businesses want to grasp this opportunity and fully utilize the power of Internet smart mobile devices to open up new opportunities for business development. However most of the small and medium scale of Catering businesses have not yet entered e-commerce market. Traditional meal ordering service models are still used, which can not grasp market share and can not make efficient use of resource of meal and man power. This study aims to explore the technical and feasibility of online restaurant service. The related successful cases of e-business models are investigated. The QR code technology is identified with the characteristics of high security, high fault tolerance, and cost of economic. QR Code scheme is adopted as the main identification technique for online restaurant system and is used as a trading credentials to achieve orders electronically. Catering businesses use online ordering system can introduce customers new experiences to enhance service satisfaction. It can bring automated service processes to achieve cost reduction of operation costs and improve work efficiency of service personnel for Catering businesses. It also helps Catering businesses and consumers to make production management and personal diet management This study assess the operation feasibility of online restaurant system from the economic, technical, and operational side. The key factors affecting system operation are identified and solutions are proposed for future implementation of e-commerce services.


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