  • 學位論文

運用Kano與Refined Kano模式探討企業導入QR Code對服務品質之影響

The Influences of Importing QR Code into an Enterprise for investigating Service Quality with Kano and Refined Kano Model

指導教授 : 黃勇富


條碼科技的進步,使得一維條碼已逐漸轉為二維條碼,然隨著民眾對手機功能的需求已從語音傳遞進階到對行動上網的需求,且對於行動服務的需求也大幅提升,據此可瞭解這背後隱藏了相當龐大的商機與利益。 本研究欲探討企業導入QR Code 所需之服務品質要素為何,因此,本研究將利用Kano 及Refined Kano 模式,將顧客服務品質屬性進行精確歸類及分析,藉此探討各服務品質屬性對顧客的重要性,進而利用TOPSIS 評估法將其重要性予以排序後,來瞭解哪些顧客服務品質要素是有待改善的,以便進行服務策略之擬定。 經由實證結果發現,Kano 及Refined Kano 模式於QR Code 品質要素之歸類上有顯著差異。另外,在顧客服務策略的擬定,經Kano 模式歸類出十三項有關QR Code 所提供之一維品質要素部份,並由Refined Kano 模式將其以重要度高低作一劃分,以作為企業擬定QR Code 服務策略時之參考依據。除此,TOPSIS 評估法解決Kano 模式改善指標不一致之情況,分析出前十名最需優先進行改善之品質要素,期能根據研究結果,讓導入QR Code 之企業能在衡量投入改善資源之先後順序時,有參考之依據。


The advance on barcode technology makes the popularity of 2-dimentional barcode. However, the demands for common people are not only voice transmission but also internet access. We can find the enormous opportunities and profits behind the dramatically increasing needs for mobile services. In this research, we’ll focus on what are the service quality factors for enterprises, which want to induce the QR code. In order to investigate the importance service quality factor for customers, we use Kano’s Model and Refined Kano’s Mode to analyze and classify it in this study. Furthermore, the results are sorted by TOPSIS to know which service quality factor needs to be improved. Thus we can develop the service strategy easily. Through empirical results, the classification of QR Code quality factors has significant difference between Kano’s Model and Refined Kano’s Model. Besides, we can classify thirteen one-dimensional quality factors related to QR Code by Kano’s Model in developing customer service strategy. And they can be ranked in order of importance by Refined Kano’s Model. Enterprises can use this information to develop their QR Code service strategy. In addition, using TOPSIS can not only diminish the inconsistency in Kano’s Model but also provide top ten quality factors that need to be improved first. According to the research findings, the reasonable investment decisions can be made more easily for enterprise, which has already induced the QR Code.


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羅皓尹(2015)。MIT App Inventor 在Android 行動裝置之研究 - 設計財產資料庫查詢〔碩士論文,國立交通大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6842/NCTU.2015.00426
