  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Collective Identity of Mainland Spouses and Foreign Spouses.

指導教授 : 陳嫈郁


本研究藉由集體認同理論瞭解,來台灣後的大陸配偶與外籍配偶,是否因環境改變連帶集體認同也產生轉變,並比較他們來台後對台灣的族群認同程度與對中華民國的國家認同程度,是否具有顯著差異。   為了獲得研究結果,本研究運用「文獻分析法」、「調查研究法」和「比較研究法」,並運用集體認同理論的三大概念-「原生的生理特徵」、「制度結構」與「文化建構」,設計族群認同與國家認同問卷量表。 再將量表中所獲得的資料,以「平均數考驗」、「單因子變異數分析」與「Scheffé進行事後比較」等三種統計方法,分析大陸配偶與外籍配偶對台灣的族群認同和對中華民國的國家認同程度是否有顯著差異。   據上本研究所獲得的實證結果為,大陸配偶與外籍配偶在「原生的生理特徵」及「制度結構」概念,未呈現顯著差異。但「文化建構」概念所塑造出的集體認同,卻呈現大陸配偶的認同程度顯著低於外籍配偶的情形。可見集體認同的形塑不是由「外在」,顯而易見的「原生的生理特徵」及「制度結構」概念塑造而成;而是經由「文化」不斷深植個體內心,「內在」建構而成。所以台灣政府不應一味限制大陸配偶的權益,而是要從「文化建構」概念,強化他們對台灣的族群認同感與對中華民國的國家認同感。 雖然本研究使用量化的分析方法,對於認同產生差異的原因無法深入探討。但仍期望在兩岸交流日益頻繁下,經由本研究的討論能給予彼此另一個對談空間,不再僅以國家安全為理由,預設大陸配偶的集體認同,限制他們來台灣後之權益。畢竟此種差別待遇的政策,將影響台灣內部族群的和諧,及未來台灣與國際人權接軌的機會。


This study applies the theory of collective identity to examine Mainland Spouses and Foreign Spouses for two issues: Does a change in living place lead to a change in collective identities? Does there appear any statistical significance by the way of comparing the ethnic identity and state identity of the spouses form the Mainland China and other countries.   The study was conducted by means of a survey, examining the three concepts of collective identity: ‘Physical features’, ‘Institutional structures’, and ‘Cultural constructions’. The quantitative analysis of the survey was conducted through ‘ANOVA’, ‘average test’ and “Scheffe’s method”. The study also makes use of ‘document analysis, ‘survey research’ and ‘comparative research’.   Results of this study found that in terms of ‘Physical features’ and ‘Institutional structures,’ the differences between ‘Mainland spouses’ and ‘Foreign spouses’ did not rise to the level of significance. For ‘Cultural constructions’, however, it appeared that the collective identity of ‘Mainland spouses’ was significantly lower than ‘Foreign spouses’. This significance difference demonstrated that the collective identity is not shaped by ‘external features’ such as ‘Physical features’ and ‘Institutional structures’, but is shaped by ‘internal features’ such as cultural factors. To conclude, this study may be of importance in examining how the government can underpin the ethnic identity and state identity of spouses from mainland China by means of ‘Cultural constructions’ rather than policies limiting immigration.


Anderson, Benedict著,吳叡人譯,2008,《想像共同體:民族主義的起源與散布》,台北市:時報文化出版企業股份有限公司。譯自Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. New York: Verso.
Castells, Manuel著,夏鑄九等譯,2002,《認同的力量》,台北市:唐山出版社。譯自The Power of Identity. Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers.


