  • 學位論文


Technological Dominance, Complements and Compatibilities

指導教授 : 佘日新
共同指導教授 : 駱世民(Shihmin Lo)


科技日新月異,產品與技術變遷迅速;快速因應變化、建立核心能力,鞏固競爭地位對企業而言是艱辛但必要的,不盡相同的技術變遷速度及方式,創造出產業的獨特性。例如:網路外部性高的產業,必須兼顧消費面及生產面對新技術的接受與應用程度,追求需求面與供給面的經濟規模以提高價值。其中,技術相容性及互通性是必要的,而技術標準則應運而生。 本論文的第一部分以在行動通訊產業標準技術相關的必要專利為研究標的進行探索,實證結果發現必要專利在短期內被大量引用,因此促進知識取得及擴散,但基本上仍以技術運用開發為主,並隨著產品世代進展而遭受汰換或改變。動態能力理論雖已逐漸受到學者重視,但具體的實證研究仍然有限,本論文的第二部分則對動態能力理論觀點進行進一步發展推論與實證研究,發現行動通訊產業因應技術變遷而調整技術能耐組合的三種動態能力︰內部研發、協同合作及技術移轉。 特別是在網路外部性高的產業特性下,企業如何以動態能力因應產業技術變遷並建構與維持技術優勢?因此本論文的第三部份則以網絡外部性理論為基礎,研究在技術主導、技術相容、技術互補的條件下,技術動態能力與技術優勢間的關係。研究結果發現,在網路外部性的產業特性下:(1).企業內部研發對於關鍵技術優勢有顯著的正向影響,但技術互補愈高卻會降低內部研發對於關鍵技術優勢的正向影響;這反映了技術主導者持續掌控關鍵技術優勢,以宰制市場,技術互補對其而言則被動跟隨,不影響關鍵技術的建立。(2).協同合作對於關鍵技術優勢有顯著的正向影響,但技術主導愈高卻會降低協同合作對於關鍵技術優勢的正向影響,協同合作對非技術主導的技術相容企業卻與關鍵技術優勢有正向影響。(3).技術移轉對於關鍵技術優勢有負向影響,但技術主導愈高卻會降低技術移轉對於關鍵技術的負向影響;此點反映關鍵技術仍然由技術主導者掌握,而非技術主導的技術企業透過技術移轉取得關鍵技術仍然有限。(4).技術互補對於關鍵技術優勢仍有正向影響,以技術主導及技術相容的企業而言,技術互補對於前者的關鍵技術優勢沒有影響;反之,技術互補對於後者的關鍵技術優勢有正向影響,此反映出企業追求技術相容的同時,建立互補技術仍是提升實力之途。 在學術上的貢獻,本研究結合產業技術變遷、企業動態能力、與網路外部性理論,深入研究企業動態能力與績效,補足動態能力在理論發展與實證研究之缺口。在管理意涵方面,本研究以行動通訊產業為對象,確認出在技術標準快速發展的情勢下,廠商如何調整技術能耐組合來因應次世代產品與技術升級的動態能力。研究成果也可以作為行動通訊技術研究方向規劃參考與智財管理的借鏡。


With the advancement of technology, it would be either hard or necessary for firms to build core competencies and competitive advantages while addressing to the technological changes. According to the resource-based view, firm’s strategic resources and capabilities keep sustained competitive advantage. Under the concept of path dependencies, it would be a great challenge for firms breaking the rule to integrate, build and reconfigure the resources, such as knowledge, capabilities, routines and complementary assets etc., in the face of dynamic environments. The industries characterized differently will result in different type of technological evolution. In addition to technological breakthroughs, firms should emphasize on maximizing the adoption of both consumers and manufactures in the industry with the network externalities. Therefore the technologies should cover the compatibilities and interoperabilities, which make the coalitions emerge for consensus of technological standards on product interface between firms. In considering the implications of standards, the first question arising concern is their impact on firm’s capabilities building and knowledge diffusion. Secondly, the issue of identifying dynamic capabilities still lies opportunities for empirical researches. Finally, however dynamic capabilities are irrelevant to sustained competitive advantage for debating the criticism of tautology, the question how dynamic capabilities matters for firms usually appeals the interests. The study is conducted into three phases. Research one is preliminary for establishing domain knowledge base by exploring standards-setting process and implication of essential patents. Research two will focus on dynamic capabilities in addressing to technological dynamics. We propose three technological capabilities: in-house R&D, collaboration and technology transfer which could be ones of dynamic capabilities for firms to change technological portfolio. Research three investigates how firms deploy these technological capabilities to keep technological advantage in the industry characterized with network externalities. This study links network externalities and resource-based review, and may theoretically contributes to a better understanding of dynamic capabilities. It demonstrates how firms build the capabilities through technological dynamics empirically by taking mobile telecommunications as an example.


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