  • 學位論文


A Research of application in creative remedial instruction in mathematics low achievement students

指導教授 : 謝淑敏


本研究旨在探討分數概念補救教學的成效。研究方法採用準實驗研究法,以南投縣某國中學生為實驗對象,樣本來源是依照學生國一到國二所有數學科段考考試成績(校內排名PR30以下的學生),以及剛升上國一所進行的數學基本概念施測成績(校內排名PR30以下的學生)加上校內老師對於學生數學課表現的質性觀察,為本實驗的第一道挑選基準,挑選出來後進行分數概念施測,再次篩選出分數概念不佳學生後,即得到實驗所需的實驗研究學生。針對數學科分數概念進行補救教學:分別為控制組(課堂講述法34位)與實驗組(創意式教學33位),分別施予不同教學方式。實驗前先進行分數概念成就測驗前測,並於補救教學後進行後測,藉以探討創意式補救教學的成效。此外,在補救教學前、後讓學童填寫數學態度量表,用以分析學童數學態度的轉變情形。最後再針對學生學習結果與反應進行資料分析。 本研究目的是期望藉由實驗結果,加以分析比較,來檢驗當教師的教學方式有所不同時,如:更為活潑,則將更能吸引學生學習動機,並且幫助學生有效學習。並希望藉此研究,進一步探討是否課堂講述教學方式在數學科上,真的會無法提升學生學習動機,而藉研究結果,也期望能讓教師在教學現場,能夠檢討並採用各種不同的教學方式,來促進學生的學習成效。 本研究所得結論如下:在學生學習成效方面:(1)學生學習成就有顯著改善;(2)學生學習態度有顯著改善;(3)學習動機為學生學習的動力;(4)教材適合度可以讓學生的學習狀況更佳良好;(5)教師教學技巧對學生學習態度具有影響。 在教學方面則可以利用多元(創意)教學,進而增加學生了學習動機、改變學習態度,最後成績有所成長。


The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the remedial instruction of fractional concept. The study adopted the quasi-experimental research. The subjects of the study were the students in a junior high school in Nantou County. First, the study chose the students according to the math exams grades last four semesters (the Percentile Rank below 30 in the school ) and their first grades of math basic concepts in their first grade(the Percentile Rank below 30 in the school ). Also, the study adopted the teachers’ observations toward the math performances of the students in math classes. Second, the students had basic tests of fractional concept, and then the study adopted the students who had bad fractional concept to be the case students. The researcher conducted remedial instruction of fractional concept in different teaching skills for the case students—divided into control group (Didactic Instruction;34 students) and experimental group(Creative Instruction; 33 students). In order to probe into the effects of creative remedial instruction, the case students had a pretest of fractional concept before the experiment and had a posttest after remedial instruction. Furthermore, before and after the remedial instruction, the students had to fill in the mathematic attitude scales. The attitude scales were to analyze the changes of the students’ mathematic attitude. Then, the study analyzed the data of the learning effectiveness and responses of the case students. The purpose of the study was to analyze how different teaching skills affected the student’s learning motivation and help them learn effectively. Besides, the study wanted to explore whether Didactic Instruction in mathematic could improve students’ learning motivation or not. Last, the study also wanted that teachers can use different teaching skills to improve students’ learning effectiveness. Study results indicated: 1.The learning effectiveness of case students (1) Their learning effectiveness had prominent improvement. (2) Their learning attitude had prominent improvement. (3) Learning motivation was their learning power. (4) The proper of the teaching material could make them learn better. (5) The teaching skills had influence on the learning attitudes of the case students. 2. Multiple Creative Teaching could improve the students’ learning motivations, change their learning attitudes and make them get better grades.


王擎天 (2009)。教孩子,我只是比較有方法。台北市:凱信企管。


