  • 學位論文


RFID Applications on Network Operations and Management

指導教授 : 陳彥錚


網頁服務是許多公司業務重要的一環,網頁服務若不穩定造成中斷,客戶也可能因此流失,因此維護一個高可靠度與可用性的網站是一件重要的工作。由於網站之維護管理不易,現今許多公司之網頁服務多委由ISP公司以主機代管的方式運作,ISP紛成立網路資料中心(IDC)承攬相關業務,IDC機房之維運管理,必須依照標準的作業流程(SOP)控管每一項維運工作,以確保維運管理工作之服務品質與水準。 本論文探討如何利用RFID技術改善目前IDC維運工作流程與工作效率,我們提出一個利用RFID技術的網路維運管理應用架構,維運人員利用所攜帶配有RFID讀取器之PDA設備進行維運IDC機房管理,使用RFID的維運管理方式包括確認客戶身份、門禁管制、人員巡視位置追蹤、設備和線路辨認及快速查詢。此外,將RFID結合PDA無線網路通訊功能,透過網路方式連結相關維運系統,可大幅縮減維運人員來回走動時間,提昇網路維運效能。


Providing a website is an important part of business for many corporations. If the service of a website is unstable, customers may be lost. Therefore, it is an important task to maintain a website with high reliability and availability. However, it is difficult to achieve for many corporations. Nowadays, many corporations use co-location services offered by ISPs to delegate website maintenance to ISPs. ISPs build IDCs (Internet Data Centers) to offer co-location services. The operations and management of an IDC should follow standard operating procedures (SOPs) for each routine task such that the QoS of IDC operations and management can be guaranteed. This thesis research will discuss how to utilize RFID technology to improve the performance of IDC operations and management. We will propose a RFID-based framework for IDC operations and management. In the framework, a network manager uses a PDA equipped with a RFID module during his routine work. The proposed RFID-based operations and management include customer authentication, access control, patrol location tracking, and device and cable identification. Furthermore, with the aid of wireless communication capability in a PDA, network operations systems can be easily accessed during a routine patrol in the IDC server farm. This facility can significantly reduce the times of round-trip movements during patrol. As a consequence, the performance of IDC operations and management can be improved.


IDC Co-location Network operations Mobile management RFID


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[2] RFID Journal, Retrieve March 1, 2009 from http://www.rfidjournal.com/article/view/4469/1
[3] ISO/IEC BS 7799-2:1999 ISO-17799:2000 標準文件.
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[5] Denso-Wave Inc., About QR Code, Retrieve May 13, 2008 from http://www.denso-wave.com/qrcode/aboutqr-e.html
