  • 學位論文


Investigating the Impacts and Antecedents of TCM Physicians’ Perceived Effectiveness toward TCM Technology.

指導教授 : 陳小芬


現今醫療科技的高度發展與電子病歷的推動下,醫療資訊整合已成為世界朝流,也是開發中國家的主要醫療政策之一,因此醫療資訊化是目前重要議題,中醫未來勢必也需要朝向資訊化與資訊整合邁進,因此本研究主要目的在探討中醫師對於中醫資訊系統的知覺效益及觀感的外在因素。本研究試者延伸科技接受模型理論研究中醫資訊化領域,本研究延伸現有的科技接受模型探討影響中醫師對中醫資訊化的態度之外在因素:科技成熟度、政策、醫院因素、社會因素,本研究的觀點在於外部變數在科技接受模型的結構裡用於解釋中醫資訊化接受程度的研究,提供的證明來確定中醫師對於中醫資訊化之意圖與使用,在中醫資訊化之前,期望中醫未來發展能朝醫療資訊整合規範( Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise, IHE )的方向邁進並提出建議。 本研究以分析111份回收樣本,驗證結果發現,結果顯示科技成熟度與政策對於系統操作性有正向影響,社會因素對於系統功能性有正向影響,系統操作性對於醫療品質有正向影響,個人資訊素養會對系統功能性與醫療品質產生干擾效果。最後根據研究結果提出未來研究方向。


Today, global changes have great influences on healthcare industry. The integration of medical information has become a global trend and a main policy in many developing countries. This study explores the opinions based on a quantitative study of investigating the impacts and attitude of TCM physicians perceived effectiveness toward TCM technology. This article extends existing technology acceptance models to external factor. The purpose of this study is the viewpoint of external factor in Technology Acceptance Model which explains the acceptance of TCM Technology and provides the Actual System Use of TCM physicians. In the end, we would like to provide suggestions for future researchers and expect TCM to have a further development toward IHE. The data were analyzed from questionnaires of 111 TCM physicians, the analysis shows that the technology maturity and government policy positively influence system of maneuverable, society factors positively influence system of functionality, system of maneuverable positively influence quality of healthcare, system of functionality positively influence quality of healthcare and personal information literacy factor have mediating effects between system of functionality and quality of care. Finally, we hope to provide directions to future researches.


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