  • 學位論文


Studies of Navy and Warships in the Former Part of the Qing Dynasty

指導教授 : 陳國棟 王鴻泰


論文摘要 清代初期,百廢待舉,維持各地秩序是第一要務,在沿海的防務上,水師並非滿洲人強項,遂承繼明代,取長補短,繼續延用。無論水師人員或戰船都以明代留下為基礎,進行海防布署。康熙二十二年(1683)以前,所面對的沿海敵對者,主要為鄭成功家族,因此水師防務即針對他們而設置,設置重點以福建地區為主。鄭氏家族覆滅之後,水師布署回歸常態,重視各地均衡。嘉慶以後,廣東的重要性逐漸取代福建成為海防重心。 本文為一制度史研究,內容使用較多的檔案(Archives)及官書資料。在二手資料方面,這部分的相關研究成果較少,因此以參考為主要。研究的斷限,由明末至鴉片戰爭(1644-1842),範圍則以浙江、福建、臺灣、廣東的綠營水師。內容重點以水師制度、戰船制度為面向,再擴充至其他水師防務,如關城(Forts)、砲臺(Batteries)、烽堠(Signal Towers)等方面。 清代水師的建置,主要防範對象為海盜,海防的規劃即針對海盜強弱進行調整,在此前題之下,清代的戰船發展,重速度,不重視船舶大小。然而,一旦海盜所擁有的船舶大小勝過水師,清廷亦會興造與海盜相當的船舶及武器,將其殲滅。其海防政策可謂因時制宜,隨時調整。也因為面對的敵人武力不強,使得清廷在戰船的製造及武器的研發相對保守,遂此,與西方國家的武力差距更大。鴉片戰爭前,清廷的海防布署已相當完善,達到高峰,但面對的敵人為英國而不是海盜,在雙方武力相差懸殊之下,清廷的失敗,顯而易見。


清代 水師 戰船 海洋史 軍事史 綠營


Abstract In the early days of Qing Dynasty , there was in a state of chaos without governable systems. The priority mission was to organize law and order for the Qing government. On the part of navy security, Qing government was aware of a lack in its experiential management. Therefore, Qing government inherited the same crews and worships from Ming Dynasty in order to establish the steady foundation on the navy security. Before 1683 , on the Kangxi Emperor's period in Qing Dynasty , the priority defense area on the navy security had been used to be along the coast of Fujian province for the Zheng , the last official in Ming’s dynasty battled with Qing army , until Zheng’s influence was eliminated by Qing . Qing evenly distributed the navy security along the coast and balanced it on every governable district until Jiaqing emperor set up Guangdong province as his chief district which was total different aspect from the view of Kangxi on the navy security. This thesis is focused on the studies of Navy System . Most of the content in the paper study was from historical archives and official files instead of the second-hand information study. Because of the limitation in the research , the focused range will be the last period of “Ming” dynasty to the Opium war (1644-1842). Navy security and warship policy will be two main subjects in the study. The study provinces in the navy security will be Zhejiang、Fujian、Taiwan as well as Guangdong . On the other hand, the studies of warship policy will be the businesses on the forts、batteries、signal and towers . The leading concern of Navy establishment in security was defended against pirates. As result of it, the security had to be adjusted its defended scheme according the pirates’ battle abilities. If the worships belonged to pirates had the greater dimensions than Qing’s , Qing ;therefore, re-built worships and adjusted their sizes to beat the enemies. Due to the enemies’ diminutive power in the domestic, Qing lose awareness to gradually build enormous worship against other enemies from foreign countries. A obviously example was presented on the Qing’s failure battle when he struggled with England, the great battle power country in the western.




