  • 學位論文

從羅蘭•巴特(Roland Barthes)的符號學解讀「食品GMP認證標章」的意義

Interpreting the Meanings of the “GMP-FOOD Certification Mark” from the View of Roland Barthes’ Semiotics

指導教授 : 黃鉦堤


「食品GMP認證標章」是政府推動的一種食品安全認證制度,然而近年國內爆發的一連串黑心食用油事件,不乏擁有該標章的產品,因而受到廣泛的討論。 本研究以巴特的符號學作為研究途徑,將「食品GMP認證標章」視為一個被人編碼的符號,進而解讀該符號的意義結構,包含語言層面的直接意指,及神話層面的三種文化意義,分別是含蓄意指、迷思及象徵(包括隱喻與轉喻)。 研究結果發現,「食品GMP認證標章」的直接意指是指,標示該標章的產品是安全、衛生與高品質的保證。含蓄意指是指,該標章的實施符合世界潮流,其目的是為了確保加工食品品質與衛生,保障消費者及製造業者之共同權益。該標章的迷思是指,該標章其實是一種掩飾,它不僅過度簡化加工食品製程的複雜性,而且也遮掩政府檢驗的成效不彰因而淪為不肖業者的生財工具。該標章在隱喻上是指,該標章象徵消費風險的降低,以及產品的差異化;該標章在轉喻上是指,該標章象徵著政府對食品安全的重視,及標章主題符合企業需求。此外,筆者在主觀上是偏向於採用含蓄意指來解讀「食品GMP認證標章」。 筆者從解讀中感知,「食品GMP認證標章」的意義詮釋將因閱讀心態而有所不同,所以人們應該養成「不執著的肯定」之心態來看待該標章的各種評價。


“GMP-FOOD Certification Mark” (abbrev. GFCM) is a system promoted by the government. It ensures that food can be consistently manufactured and controlled according to quality standards. Since some products of labeled with GFCM have involved in the recent domestic cooking oil scandal, the meaning of GFCM is widely discussed in the public. The study uses Roland Barthes’ Semiotics as a research approach and regards GFCM as a symbol encoded by human being. Based on that, the study interprets the meaning structure of GFCM, including its denotation of language and three cultural meanings: connotation, myth and symbol (including metaphor and metonymy). The result of the study reveals as follows. The denotation of GFCM is that the products of labeled with GFCM are safe, hygienic and high quality. The connotation of GFCM is that its implementation follows the world trend; its purpose is to ensure quality and sanitation of processed food and to protect the common interests of both consumers and manufacturers. The myth of GFCM is that the mark is a cover-up. It hides the excessive reduction the complexity of food processing on the one side; the ineffective inspection by the government on the other side. Consequently, GFCM becomes a trick of some unscrupulous businessmen. In terms of metaphor, GFCM indicates that not only the consumption risk is reduced, but also the products are differentiated. As for metonymy, GFCM symbolizes that the government puts great emphasis on food safety; that this design quite fit in with the aims of many manufactures. In addition to that, my personal reading attitude toward GFCM is to adopt the connotation. In the process of interpreting, I realized that the results of the meanings interpretation of GFCM will be various according to the different reading attitude. So we should cultivate an attitude of “non-obsessed point of view” to perceive various interpretations of GFCM.




