  • 學位論文


The Impact of Competitive Sports on Students Character Education: An Action Research Approach

指導教授 : 簡德金


品格教育(Character Education)在全球競爭力的提升與環境迅速變遷下,不斷地受到矛盾衝擊。因此,若欲建立學生正向的價值觀及實踐力,那麼,透過教學的協助,讓學生能在學習過程奠定堅固的品格能力,進而應用在生活各層面中,是必然要的作為。 對此,本研究將以(1)文獻回顧,整理學生運動競賽及品格教育之相關研究成果;(2)應用行動研究方式,透過學校教育活動進行問卷施測、觀察記錄來蒐集本研究成果資料,並透過(3)以質性訪談法確認此研究成果之合理性,進而作為教育學者參考之依據,並成為具有實務應用價值之參考。 本研究結果將分析其(1)運動競賽影響學生品格表現之因素及(2)並歸納出本研究之價值,(3)藉由此次的研究過程及結果 找出品格教育受到的阻礙及問題,以提供一般教師或是體育領域教師在品格教育教學上的參考依據,並作為日後教育學者研究之文獻。


Character education is constantly been impacted amid growing global competitions and rapid environmental changes. Therefore, it is necessary to provide students with appropriate education on positive value and execution ability to build a firm character during the process of learning. The current research utilized three research methods, namely literature review, the action research approach, and the qualitative interview. Relevant researches on students participating in competitive sports and its impact on character education have been reviewed. Furthermore, the action research approach has been applied and questionnaires were distributed to students during class activities. Students’ performances were observed and recorded for analytical purposes. In addition, qualitative interviews were conducted to confirm the findings of the current research and provide useful reference for academic scholars and teaching practitioners. The impact of competitive sports on students’ character education was analyzed in the current study. The difficulties and problems teachers had encountered in character education were also identified during the research process. The findings of the current study, along with the abovementioned difficulties and problems identified can provide useful reference for general education teachers or physical education teachers while they are carrying out character education.


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