  • 學位論文


A Study of Waste Mobile Phone Recycling Policy: from the Perspective of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

指導教授 : 董娟娟


手機已幾乎人手一機,對於汰換後之廢手機管理,已逐漸受各界重視,我國在廢棄物管理上強調以延長生產者責任為精神及做法來規範應負回收處理之責任主體,面對國內汰換率高與回收率低之情形,將延長生產者責任落實在廢手機之管理更顯重要。本研究欲探求解答的問題為以下三點: 一、目前國內業者(通路、電信及手機品牌業者)對廢手機自主回收之狀況? 二、現行手機回收現況與延長生產者責任觀點之回收政策存在哪些鴻溝?有哪些需要增加或改善之處? 三、在延長生產者責任觀點之廢棄手機回收政策中,企業、政府及消費者三方應盡哪些責任以促使回收政策更完善? 基於回收政策之機制,研究者將廢棄手機回收政策分為三大主體及三面向,而資料之收集分析則採文獻分析法及深度訪談法,分別從企業、政府機關及消費者的角度,探討此模式與現行實施方式之比較,是否有不足或亟需改善之處。 本研究發現手機生產者於產品設計階段對於可回收與再利用皆已投入相當之研發成本且另在減少產品中有害物質方面管理上也嚴加控管,顯示生產者有推動延長生產者責任之意,然部分手機生產者推動回收計畫方面卻因各國要求而異並非全面自願性主動回收,此與投入可回收與再利用研發目的有矛盾之處;目前與環保署簽訂「廢行動通訊產品回收合作備忘錄」業者手機回收成效不彰,且未將回收流程與成果相關資訊公開之,導致民眾無法了解回收作業流程,而產生送交回收疑慮;在政策面未以法令強制責任業者回收,導致國內手機回收成效不佳,另相關權責單位也未積極推動手機回收宣導活動,導致民眾回收資訊不足,多而不知手機回收管道等;回收措施中對回收手機之個人資料刪除產生疑慮及誘因薄弱,是造成多數民眾將手機擱置家中主要因素,其他擱置家中係因尚對手機存有情感紀念性、珍藏當骨董、手機堪用當備用等因素。 最後依據上述研究發現與結論,進而提供促進廢手機回收效益之建議,裨益供各相關單位參考改善之。


Nowadays, almost everyone has a mobile phone. Therefore, the waste management of used mobile phones has attracted more and more public attention. In the field of waste management in Taiwan, extended producer responsibility has been highlighted as the spirit and approach to regulate the responsibilities of the waste management of mobile phones. This study aimed to answer the following three questions: I. In terms of self-recycling waste mobile phones in Taiwan, what is the current situation for domestic industries, including channels, telecommunication service providers, and mobile phone brands? II. What gaps are there between current mobile phone recycling and the recycling policy from the perspective of extended producer responsibility? What are to be added or improved? III. In terms of the policy of waste mobile phone recycling from the perspective of extended producer responsibility, what are the responsibilities for business, government, and consumers to ameliorate the recycling policy? Based on the mechanism of the recycling policy, this study categorized the policy of waste mobile phone recycling into three subjects and three aspects. Document analysis and in-depth interviewing were adopted to collect and analyze the data. The study investigated the comparison between this pattern and current implementations from the perspectives of business, government administration, and customers to find out if there was any insufficiency or room for improvement. The results of the study showed that at the stage of product design, mobile phone manufacturers had invested quite many research and development (R&D) expenses in recycling and reuse, and had strictly regulated the management of reducing toxics in their products. This showed that the manufacturers were willing to implement extended producer responsibility. However, the recycling programs of certain mobile phone manufacturers were not fully voluntary self-recycling because of different demands varying from country to country, which contradicted the purpose of the development of recycling and reuse. Industries in Taiwan had signed “Memorandum on Cooperation in Recycling of Waste Mobile Communications Equipment” with Environmental Protection Administration, but the recycling results were ineffective, and the recycling process and outcome-related information were not disclosed. Since the public was not able to know the recycling process, concerns regarding recycling were raised. As the recycling responsibilities of industries were not mandatory by law, the effects were of poor performance. Besides, competent authorities did not actively promote mobile phone recycling, which led to the insufficiency of information regarding recycling. The reasons why the public left their waste mobile phones at home instead of recycling included that they did not know the ways to recycle mobile phones and were concerned about the deletion of personal information during the recycling process. There was also a lack of incentive. Other reasons included sentimental values, antique collection, and keeping spare mobile phones. Based on the results and conclusions above, suggestions for better efficiency of waste mobile phone recycling were provided for reference.


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