  • 學位論文


On the Relation between Regional Features of Bangka Area and Managing Strategies of Fen's Food Stand

指導教授 : 趙中麒


在台灣許多來自越南的新移民為了改善家庭經濟、提升自己的生活水準,還有的是為了自我實現,而選擇經營東南亞風味飲食店謀生,於是街上一家家飄散著東南亞風味的飲食店就這樣如雨後春筍般出現。但有的店家如曇花一現般而不了了之,但有的卻能屹立不搖、經營長久,成功的關鍵因素是本研究探討的重點。 本研究係採用田野觀察分析法,從經營者的人格特質、經營策略與區域位置關係深入探討一間開在萬華傳統市場旁的越南路邊攤,沒有店面的裝潢,只販賣單一豬肉河粉料理,且營業時間只有半天的小攤,竟能經營長達七年之久,並讓新住民老闆娘經濟無虞,並在越南購置多筆房地產,一年還能出國兩次,有別於在臺灣多數處於經濟弱勢的新住民家庭,其創業成功的關鍵與策略值得探究。 研究結果發現在人格特質方面,阿芬仔雖沒有具備成功的女性創業家特質,但她溫和、大方、不具攻擊性的處世態度,讓她贏得多方友誼,也讓周邊攤販願意出手相助,消費者更是稱讚她的「阿莎力」,進而成為忠實顧客,擴展了她的社會資本。在經營策略方面,阿芬仔選擇以路邊攤經營方式,降低成本;並運用個人姿本力,從外貌、衣著以及良好社交能力的提升自我特色,以吸引消費者。此外,提供外送、泡麵包裝方式,打破路邊攤經營的創新經營方式,擴大服務客層與範圍提升了營業額。最後在區域位置關係方面,阿芬仔選擇萬華區,並依據區域特性,提早營業時間、降低產品價格、增大產品份量,滿足此區多數居民多為勞工階層「呷好飽」的需求,以及滿足此低社經地區居民「俗又大碗」的需求,因此天天客人絡繹不絕,生意蒸蒸日上。


In Taiwan, many new immigrants from Vietnam choose to run Southeast Asian style eating places for such reasons as improving domestic financial status, elevating one’s own living standard, or self-fulfillment. As a result, Southeast Asian style (or flavor) eating places sprout one after another on streets. However, some of them vanish from sight very quickly, while some others thrive and last long. And the key factors of the successful ones are the main concern of this dissertation. This dissertation employs field research method to closely observe the personal traits, managing strategy, and location adaptation of a Vietnamese food stand beside a traditional market in Wanhua District. Without fancy decorations, serving only one kind of food (pork Pho), with opening hours of only half a day, this food stand has lasted for more than seven years; moreover, it has made A-Fen, the female owner of the stand, financially carefree and possible to go abroad for vacation twice a year, allowing her to purchase plenty of real estate in Vietnam as well. Quite different from many other new immigrant families which suffer from poverty, this case does have its key features and tactics, which are going to be shown and discussed in detail in this dissertation. In respect of personality, not equipped with typical characteristics of a successful female entrepreneur, A-Fen’s gentle, generous, and unaggressive attitude still wins her friendships from all around, which makes her neighboring vendors pleased to provide aid. Her customers also highly praise her being “Asari” (complaisant and decisive) and love to pay their patronage again and again. Thus, her social capital was enhanced. In respect of managing strategy, A-Fen chooses to run her business in form of a roadside vendor to lower the expenses. She also makes good use of her erotic capital by strengthening her self-image with good appearance, clothing and social skills to attract customers. Moreover, she provides delivery service and instant noodles package to enlarge her customer base, lifting the total turnover as well. In respect of location adaptation, according to regional features of Wanhua District, whose majority of population are working class people, A-Fen chooses to lower the price and increase the quantity of her product, making opening hours earlier at the same time, to satisfy the locals’ need: a substantial meal with bargain price before they go to work. Therefore, business floods in and profit soars up.


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