  • 學位論文


Threats of the Red Supply Chain and the Strategies to Confront: Case Study of A Company in the LED Industry

指導教授 : 陳建良


LED之發展歷時已有將近五十年之久,近年來由於地球暖化議題已是眾所關注、環保意識日益抬頭,使世界各國對於節能環保的議題相當重視,並已開始紛紛檢視及關注其國內能源及發電政策,因此,儘管LED此電子元件體積小而不起眼,卻儼然成為目前全球矚目之主流產業之一。 自2009年開始,LED在電視背光源與照明等應用市場,業者憑藉其技術及效率提升,進而創造節能效益等因素的驅動之下,取代傳統光源之滲透普及率已然高速增長之際,便吸引了全球業者、包括光電產業根基良好的臺灣乃至於中國廠商爭相投入擴產之列。時至今日,藉由技術提升與產能擴張之後,LED發光效率持續提高,更促成背光及照明應用市場的滲透比重快速提高;然而照明產品例如燈泡、燈管等等的市場價格競爭著實劇烈,使得照明應用的LED元件價格快速下滑,更造成整體市場經濟規模無法大幅成長。 LED整體產業局勢更是在中國業者積極介入之後,供過於求情況持續惡化,流血殺價更不在話下。甚至2015年全球經濟大環境面臨不景氣的影響,更使得整體LED元件產業發展雪上加霜,LED元件如晶粒、封裝等業者無法倖免,ASP(平均售價) 直接「跳水」,許多廠商面臨虧損,甚至索性退出市場。 時至今日,歷時逾十年的LED產業發展過程中,受到中國對手步步進逼、並且紅色供應鏈已然崛起成形的同時,臺灣業者在此不利生存發展的環境下,所採取的戰略方向和商業模式,都須較以往更具彈性、速度及策略性。本論文期藉由電子產業、乃至於LED產業的整體分析進而深入探討,針對個案廠商的產業定位、競爭態勢及發展演進之解析,探究LED上游廠商該如何在紅色供應鏈的威脅籠罩之下,強化自身競爭優勢,進而規劃建立因應環境劣勢的策略方向、並展開具體有效的作為之相關建議。


The rise of the Chinese ‘Red’ Supply Chain in recent years has not only successfully created and supported Chinese own brands and its mature chain of suppliers in all industries, especially the LED industry, but also resulted in a bleedingly competitive market for the Japan-based manufacturers, who specialize in critical upstream components, as well as the Taiwan-based manufacturers, who are highly focused on the OEM business. Through step-by-step actions taken by all-level government offering good supports and continuous subsidies, maliciously recruiting talents from competitors, and building the complete supply chain, China has finished constructing his own LED supply chain, which is fast growing and getting stronger. In this study, A Company, a world class leader in chip design and manufacturing in the LED industry, has been confronting with high competition from the Chinese large-scaled competitors for the lighting and backlight application. Over the past decade, though the yearly revenue gets stably growing, the P&L status of A Company gets worse and even the loss gets bigger. There are complicated factors affecting the success and failure regarding enterprise operations. One of the most critical factors is effective strategy deployment and execution, which are highly related to organizational culture, management philosophy, innovative business model, etc. In the shoulder-to-shoulder competitive environments of modern businesses, the technical advantages among leading companies have become squeezing more quickly than expected, and almost always becomes an insignificant factor. The factors of resulting in success in the past cannot guarantee the continuous success for the future. In order to create competitive advantage, business operations just call for speed and innovative responses and adjustments to its administration crisis as well as the market. This study proposes innovative business strategies to not only A Company but all other electronics industry companies to survive the competitive pressure and downturn. In this study, industry analysis methods are applied to analyze the LED industry. The evaluation of feasibilities was also conducted, and the result as of this date is concluded feasible. The result is of a recommendation and proposal for A Company through resources utilization and effectiveness elevation, overall cost down and the optimization of product mix, in order to get the P&L status better with plus earnings, and also coopetition strategy, continuous technology innovation, product differentiation and market segregation, in order to make it competitive and leading in the market.


(一) 期刊論文
1. 呂紹旭 (2011), 「LED 2010各區產值大躍進,2011群雄匯聚中國」,《光連雙月刊》,第91期,頁30-33。
2. 孫明德、劉益成 (2016),「2016年兩岸經濟展望」,《產業雜誌》,第550期,頁41-51。
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