  • 學位論文


Comparison of Teachers’ Awareness of Knowledge Management in Early Childhood Education Department between Taiwan and Canada

指導教授 : 王曉璿 蕭芳華


網際網路發展帶給世界巨大的改變,處於瞬息萬變的知識洪流中,大學幼兒保育與教育系(簡稱教保系)的教師們,身為負責培育幼兒教育師資的知識工作者,在知識的學習、應用和創新上面,不但要具備管理個人知識的能力,也要能指導學生學習與管理知識,成為掌握知識的主人。 本研究之目的在探討大學教保系教師知識管理覺知能力,進行台灣與加拿大的跨國比較研究。藉由結構方程模式(structural equation modeling,SEM)檢定教師知識管理循環:知識選擇與過濾,知識處理與提煉,知識儲存與擷取,與知識分享與創新方面,此四個模式的相關性,探討大學教師之個人背景因素、學校因素,以及國別因素,是否在知識管理覺知各構面形成顯著差異。並輔以質化訪談台灣與加拿大教保系教師共十位教師,對自身知識管理的看法,藉以分析比較兩國教師在知識管理覺知上之差異。研究結果發現: 1.在知識選擇與過濾方面,加拿大教師優於台灣教師。 2.在知識處理與提煉方面,台灣教師優於加拿大教師。 3.在知識儲存與擷取方面,台灣教師優於加拿大教師。 4.在知識分享與創新方面,加拿大教師優於台灣教師。 透過訪談加拿大教保系教師發現,加拿大教師將幼兒教師培育知識輸出至國際,協助第三世界國家的幼兒教育師資培育工作,充分發揮幼吾幼以及人之幼的精神。因此建議台灣幼兒教育專業團體若能積極加入國際組織,爭取成為國際援助弱勢國家計畫的一份子,透過知識分享,獲得成為國際組織成員的機會,這樣將能與先進國家的幼兒師資培育展開更密切的合作關係,亦能提昇台灣教保系教師的視野與胸襟。


The internet brings huge changes to the world. University instructors need to give more effort in the field of knowledge management. The faculty of the Early Childhood Education and Care Department is responsible for the education of preschool teachers. They should not only manage their professional knowledge, but also guide students on how to manage knowledge. The study focuses on the awareness of knowledge management of the faculty from universities in Taiwan and Canada. The study adopts the structural equation modeling (SEM) with 4 sections: I. Selecting and Filtering II. Processing and Condensing Knowledge III. Storing and Retrieving IV. Composing and Sharing Knowledge In each of these 4 sections, the study takes in information regarding teaching background, as well as school and country factors involved with knowledge management. The faculty and students are also interviewed about their own awareness of knowledge management.The study finds that: 1.Canadian teachers are more efficient than Taiwanese teachers with selecting and filtering knowledge. 2.Taiwanese teachers are more efficient than Canadian teachers with processing and condensing knowledge、Preschool teacher training 3.Taiwanese teachers are more efficient than Canadian teachers with storing and retrieving knowledge. 4.Canadian teachers are more efficient than Taiwanese teachers with composing and sharing knowledge. Canadian teachers give their support and share their knowledge of early childhood education internationally. Taiwanese early childhood educators should learn from them and follow their example. We should join more of the international organizations and become one of them. By sharing our knowledge, we could build up closer relationships with other countries.


尤曉鈺(2001)。國民小學知識管理現況之調查研究:以台北市和嘉義縣市為例 (未出版之碩士論文)。 國立中正大學,嘉義縣。
方永泉 (2013)。重思研究所教育的本質。臺灣教育評論月刊,2,3,1-3。
