  • 學位論文


Clasping your hands across the ocean, but the boundaries between us - - The configuration and transforming boundaries inside and outside of immigration families

指導教授 : 夏林清


摘 要 「移民」在特定的時空脈絡中,成為一個跨越國家「界線」的主體,卻進入了社會團體的最基本單位∼「家庭」,這個一向以私領域著稱、以「我們」為範圍的空間與關係裡,產造了一種足以被辨認的、既「我們」又「他者」的詭譎局勢,關係中或隱然、或醒目地劃定著界線,亦或廣、或狹。 「界線」該存在嗎?可能消失嗎?或者焦點不在於「界線」該不該存在,而是「界線」能被挑戰嗎?能跨越嗎?可變動嗎?抑或,「界線」成為難以動搖的「僵」∼僵固、僵化、僵局…。      本論文書寫主要以研究者的家庭作為二戰後的「移民家庭」及在台灣國際家庭互助協會(Taiwan International Family Association,簡稱TIFA)從事服務的近年台灣新興「新移民家庭」兩者中,家之內所面對的政治歷史、經濟文化、國家權力等多重力道切入而形成難以互相理解、甚而互相衝突的「界線」,是如何牢不可破地「僵」持著。研究者將這種關係的「阻隔」命名為「僵界」,顧名思義是為「僵化的、僵固的界線」。因此,論文探究與經驗反思將不斷來回於「移民」、「家庭」、「界線」三個視框間進行對話移民家庭內外界線的形構與鬆動。


移民 家庭 新移民家庭 界線 形構 鬆動 他者


Abstract As subjects, immigrants cross the borderlines of countries, then soon are incorporated into the elementary unit of society: family, which is considered to be a private “us” domain, situated in an intertwined complex of “us” but also “others”, boundaries are drawn implicitly or explicitly, broad/loose or narrow/rigid amidst family relations. Should the boundaries exist? Could they disappear? Or maybe the issue is not about whether or not they should exist but can they be challenged? Are they possible to transcend, cross, or evolve? Or do they eventually result in an impasse or stalemate? This dissertation is based on the writer’s family experiences in an immigration family formed in post-WWⅡ,and the practice of new immigration family organizing that the writer has been deeply involved in with Taiwan International Family Association (TIFA). Inside these families, the relationships have been impacted by historical, political, economic, cultural and state forces that create the boundaries impeding mutual understanding, generating conflicts. The writer names these barriers as “impassable boundaries”, meaning the boundaries have become barriers and cracks in family relations. The thesis is a reflection on the perspectives of immigration, family and boundaries, inquiring into the configuration and transformation of the boundaries situated in these families.


Altrichter, Posch & Somekh原著卅夏林清譯(1997),《行動研究方法導論:教師動手做研究》,台北:遠流。
Chris Argyris, Robert Putnam, Diana McLian Smith原著卅夏林清譯(2000),《行動科學》,台北:遠流。
Donald A. Schon原著卅夏林清等譯(2004),《反映的實踐者:專業工作者如何在行動中思考》,台北:遠流。
