  • 學位論文


A Study of Government Crisis Management on Plasticizer

指導教授 : 廖俊松


在全球化環境下,食品安全對台灣而言猶如「國家品牌」,是個不易失去且值得進一步強化的優勢,一旦建立起來可惠及數代子孫。2011年5月,向以擁有高規格食品安全標準自豪的我國,卻爆發食品遭塑化劑汙染醜聞,重創台灣食品國際形象。因此,本研究旨在:一、回顧相關文獻,了解與本研究相關及我國以往食品安全若干問題;二、針對危機管理相關理論歸納整理做一清楚明確之界定與探討;三、透過文獻回顧與危機管理理論建構出研究架構,據以分析塑化劑事件之政府危機管理,從中學習,汲取經驗。   本研究採個案研究法與文獻分析法,輔以次級訪談資料進行研究,主要研究發現包括:一、公務系統組織長期惰性;二、政府風險管理效能不彰;三、政府危機應變仍待提升;四、企業未能善盡社會責任;五、我國公民素養仍待提升。基此,本研究提出政策建議如下:一、食品產業全面登錄並強化食品履歷及食品追溯系統;二、建立通報機制,強化源頭管理;三、強化稽查、檢驗人力及公權力;四、以塑化劑事件為藍本,強化政府風險管理與危機處理能力;五、提升我國公民素養與企業社會責任,以補食品安全制度之不足。


Under the environment of Globalization, food safety is just like the "National Brand" for Taiwan. Losing it is difficult, and it is an advantage which is worth a further improvement. Once it is established well, several generations of offspring will benefit from it. In May 2011, the scandal about the plasticizer pollution of the food broke out in our country which always prides itself on having high level standard of food safety, and the international image of Taiwan Food is seriously disgraced. Therefore, the main ideas of the research are as follows: first, review the related literature and understand the problems that is relevant to the research, and already about the food safety in our country; second, as to relevant theories of crisis management, induce and arrange them to process the definite determination and conference; thirdly, structure the research architecture with the literature review and theories of crisis management in order to analyze plasticizer scandal crisis management of the Government for learning and acquiring experience from it. This research adopts the case study and documentary analysis, and support the research with secondary interview information. The main present findings of the research include the follows: first, the public system and organization keep long-term laziness; second, the efficiency of the Government risk management is not high; thirdly, the Government crisis management should be improved; fourthly, the enterprises do not take responsibility for the society well; fifthly, our citizens' quality should be upgraded. Based on the above view points, the suggestions and policies, that the research provides are as follows: first, the food industries should be all registered, and strengthen the resumes of the food and Food Traceability System; second, establish the reporting mechanism and refine source management; thirdly, perfect the examination, the manpower of inspection, and the public power; fourthly, taking the plasticizer scandal matter as the blueprint, improve the ability of the Government's risk management and crisis management; fifthly, upgrade our citizens' quality and the social responsibility of the enterprises to recover the insufficiency of the food safety system.


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方 青(2011)。食品安全 並非「零風險」。載於李淑娟(編),食品塑化劑啟示錄(54–61頁)。台北:行政院衛生署、財團法人食品工業發展研究所。


