  • 學位論文


The Study of the Fifth Leadership: Analyzing Differences of the Awareness between Principals and Teachers

指導教授 : 張鈿富


本研究藉由專家諮詢與問卷調查法,進行台灣地區公私立高中職校長第五級領導行為研究,以全國公私立高中職校長、教師為研究對象,研究取樣範圍包括全國公私立高中職校長、教師,採隨機取樣,共計寄發出問卷1092份(52位校長、1040位教師),收回問卷987份(校長52份、教師935份),回收率90.39%。統計分析方法包括:描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、卡方檢定。 本研究主要發現: 一、校長第五級領導能力內涵,分別為專業堅持、謙虛個性、紀律文化、敏銳洞 察,以及團隊合作。 二、校長第五級領導行為的自我知覺 (一)校長自我感受情形良好,自認具備第五級領導行為。對各因素同意程度由高至低依序為謙虛個性、紀律文化、專業堅持、敏銳洞察與團隊合作。 (二)不同背景變項的校長,對其本身第五級領導行為認知差異,在專業堅持方面因性別不同有顯著差異,男性校長的自我認知程度高於女性校長。 三、校長與教師在第五級領導行為知覺之差異 (一)第五級領導行為在教師知覺部份,五項因素中,教師對紀律文化因素的認同最高,其次為敏銳洞察、謙虛個性與專業堅持,團隊合作最末。 (二)教師對校長堅持紀律文化認同度最高,顯示校長在校務領導上講求紀律;但是,在專業堅持和團隊合作因素中,認同度最低,顯示校長在帶動教師專業成長,以及任用熱情教師組成高效能團隊部份,和教師的知覺有落差。 (三)從領導行為層面,教師肯定校長的企圖心與勤奮努力;至於校長能否為學校培植人才、帶領教師專業成長、是否勇於負責、運用資訊科技和組織高效能團隊等能力,教師認為這些是校長較弱的部份。 四、校長自我認知第五級領導行為與教師知覺有落差 (一)校長自我感覺良好,但是教師不予認同,這呈現高中職校園文化與校園危機,對於高中職校務發展有長足的影響。 (二)分析52位高中職校長,具備第五級領導行為者23人,占44.2%。私立高中與私立高職出現較多的第五級領導校長,而國立高中明顯較少。 (三)不同類型校長有顯著差異,國立高中校長28人,具備第五級領導行為者 計7人,佔25%;國立高職校長14人,具備第五級領導行為者計7 人,佔50%;私立高中職校長10人,具備第五級領導行為者計9人,佔90%。


The study used both expert consultation and survey methodology to evaluate the fifth leadership behaviors of high school principals in Taiwan. The quantitative analysis of data from a 1,092 questionnaire which was mail to a random sample of 52 high school principals and 1,040 high school teachers to test the differences in perceptions of principal’s level 5 leadership behaviors . The response rate of 90.39% included all principals and 935 teachers. Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, independent t- test, one- way-ANOVA, and chi square test. Research finding:There are five factors of level 5 leadership included professional will, personal humility, culture of discipline, dynamic sensemaking, and collaborative teambuilding. Overall, high school principals had a high self perception of fifth leadership behaviors. The sequences of five leadership factors perceived by principal from high to low were: personal humility, culture of discipline, professional will, dynamic sensemaking, and collaborative teambuilding. In the demographic variables, views on gender had a different perception on professional will, in which male principals showed significantly higher than female principals. The sequences of the high school teachers’ agreement involved five leadership factors which were culture of discipline, dynamic sensemaking, personal humility, professional will, and collaborative teambuilding. The highest factor of the principal’s leadership behavior perceived by high school teachers was culture of discipline. This result revealed that principals lead schools with rules. The lowest leadership behaviors perceived by school teachers were professional will and collaborative teambuilding. The high school teachers valued school principals’ enthusiasm and diligent; however school teachers perceived the weakness of principal’s leadership behaviors which included empowering professional development accountability, technological application, and effective team building. There was a gap in perception of level 5 leadership behaviors, and principal’s self perception was higher than teacher’s. Within 52 principals, 44.2% (23) self perceived level 5 leadership behaviors. Generally, private school principals hold significantly higher percentages in perceiving fifth leadership behaviors than public school principals.


江美滿(譯)(2003)。J. L. Badaracco著。默默領導。台北:天下。


呂岡侃(2012)。冒險教育活動對中學生領導力影響之研究 - 以新北市某私立學校八年級學生攀登雪山活動為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315302648
