  • 學位論文


The Study of Intention and Forming Factors in Using Strategies on the Structured Play Therapy

指導教授 : 林妙容


本研究旨在探究結構式遊戲治療運用策略之意圖及其意圖之形成因素,透過了解意圖、意圖類型與意圖形成因素,以提高對此治療模式策略運用之掌握。 本研究以質性研究方法為主,為因應本研究之目的,採取發現式取向方法進行,並以立意取樣選取二位已接受結構式遊戲治療五階段訓練之治療師進行研究,而資料蒐集方法則採用間接觀察法及半結構訪談,運用觀察記錄搭配訪談大綱進行訪談,訪談前亦邀請治療師先針對當週治療歷程填寫重要事件回憶紀錄表,並於訪談時搭配使用。本研究之分析方法為內容分析法,根據研究目的與問題擷取當次運用策略之意義內容進行分類、歸納與整理,形成分析與解釋的基礎架構。究結果及發現如下︰ 本研究中結構式遊戲治療運用策略共十二種,每項策略皆包含多種意圖,而本研究中運用策略之意圖共有二十種。 本研究中二十項意圖可分為六大類,每類意圖皆有其特殊內涵,能反映出結構式遊戲治療之精神與特點,而本研究也發現意圖類別會隨著歷程而有所變化、意圖類別之間會相互影響出現、意圖類別呈現會因為治療師與兒童個案的不同而有所差異。 在意圖形成因素部分,本研究運用策略之意圖形成因素共有七種,每項意圖皆有多元的形成因素,意圖形成因素之差異與結構式遊戲治療操作目標及治療師個人變項有關,且策略、意圖與形成因素呈現多元的對應關係。 最後,研究者針對研究發現加以討論,並對未來運用結構式遊戲治療策略之治療師以及未來研究提出相關之建議。


This study examines the intention and forming factors in using strategies on the structured play therapy. By understanding the intentions, the types of intentions and the forming factors of intentions to improve the use of strategies on the structured play therapy. This study adopted qualitative research orientation and used the target sampling to select two therapists who had received the five-stage training of structured play therapy. Researcher using semi-structured interviews and observation method to collect data, and using content analysis for data collation, the results and findings are as follows: In this study, there are twelve strategies for the use of structured play therapy. Each strategy contains a variety of intentions. There are twenty kinds of intentions in this study. The twenty intentions of this study can be divided into six categories. Each category of intentions has their special meaning and reflects the spirit and characteristics of the structured play therapy. This study found that the category of intentions will change with the course of treatment, and also found that the category of intentions will interact with each other. In this study, there are seven forming factors in using strategies on the structured play therapy. Each intention has a variety of forming factors. Strategies, intentions and forming factors of intentions show a variety of correspondence. The implication about the finds and suggestions for future study were addressed.


structured play therapy intentions


丁凡(譯)(2012)。敘事治療的實踐:與麥克持續對話。(原作者:Michael White)。台北:張老師。(原著出版年:2007)
