  • 學位論文

以計畫行為理論的觀點探討網路輔助教學使用 意圖影響因素之研究

The Factors Affecting Using Intension Toward Internet Assisted Instruction─-The Perspective of Theory of Planned Behavior

指導教授 : 副教授 李國瑋 博士


在網路普遍、資訊科技發達的知識經濟社會裡,師生的教與學已不再侷限於課堂之內,為了提昇教學品質,讓師生都能達成雙贏的效益,使用網路來輔助教學,已成趨勢,也是重要的。 然而,並不是所有老師都已熟悉或已習慣使用網路、資訊科技。這興 起研究者的興趣,以計畫行為理論的觀點來探討教師使用網路輔助教學使 用意圖影響因素之研究。 本研究編製的問卷採取配額抽樣、便利抽樣方法,由台中市八所公立 小學320名教師進行問卷作答。回收307份,回收率95.9%。有效卷301 份,有效率98.1%。採SPSS18、AMOS18統計套裝軟體進行次數分配、百 分比、平均數、標準差、敘述性統計、信效度分析及結構方程模式(SEM) 等統計分析,及驗證其研究假設。本研究結果發現如下: 一、網路輔助教學使用態度對於使用意圖有顯著的正向影響。 二、網路輔助教學主觀規範對於使用意圖有顯著的正向影響。 三、網路輔助教學認知行為控制對於使用意圖有顯著的正向影響。 四、網路輔助教學使用意圖對於使用行為有顯著的正向影響。   本研究結果及建議可作為教育相關議題與未來研究之參考。


In the Internet in general, knowledge of advanced information technology in economic society, teachers’ teaching and students’ learning is no longer confined within the classroom. In order to enhance the quality of teaching, and teachers and students can achieve win-win benefits, Using the network to assist teaching has become a trend, and been important as well. Its benefits have been widely discussed in literatures. However, not all the school teachers are familiar with IT or accustomed to using IT products. Researcher is thus interested in the infulential factors of teachers' intention to use internet assisted instruction. The theory of planned behavior (TPB) perspective was proposed to explain the relations between the factors and behaviors. In this study, the desiged questionnaires were sent to 320 teachers by using quota sampling and convenience sampling method selected among eight public primary schools in Tachung city. 307 (95.9%) questionnaires were receiced back, among which 301(98.1%) were effecvtive. The statistical software packages SPSS18 and AMOS18 were used to for data analysis such as frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, descriptive statistics, reliability and validity analysis, and structural equation modeling (SEM),and to verify their hypotheses. The analysis outcomes are as follows: 1、The attitude of using internet assisted instruction is significant positive realtived to the intension of using internet assisted instruction. 2、The subjective norm of using internet assisted instruction is significant positive related to the intension of using internet assisted instruction. 3、The perceived behavioral control of using internet assisted instruction is significant positive related to the intension of using internet assisted instruction. 4、The intension of using internet assisted instruction is significant positive related to the behavioral of using internet assisted instruction. The results can be used as a reference for future education-related issues.


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吳 盛(2007)。以計劃行為理論探討資訊人員的知識分享行為。南台科技
