  • 學位論文


Experiences of Retention and Career Development of Care Workers in Day Care Organizations for People with Disabilities

指導教授 : 吳書昀


近年身心障礙福利機構工作人員流動率極高,教保員招聘與留任不易,機構持續倚賴原有教保員停留於原職,但隨著服務年限時間越長,資深教保員因年齡及工作內容,面臨體力的耗損與後繼無人的情形,這不僅是個人危機,對於組織運作及服務的品質也同樣產生困境。據此,本研究主要目的為:了解教保員各任職階段的留任動機與困境,並探究職涯發展之影響因素及期待。   本研究運用質性研究方式,共訪談六位受訪者。經研究發現日間服務機構教保員經歷於不同任職階段,面對工作內容、生涯階段變化、組織管理等因素,會產生留任意願與職業生涯發展的變化,而組織因應與個人因應方式也形成教保員的職涯決定及發展期待;為增加教保員於組織內留任與職涯發展之支持,研究者提出建議在個人層面應重視個人自我照顧與增能,使教保員以健康的身心狀態維持服務動能;於組織層面,提供任職不同階段的支持策略,並擴展職涯發展機會;政策層面,建立專業與職安系統。從各方面建立更好的工作環境與專業價值,提高教保員留任意願,並於組織內部得到適性職涯發展。


教保員 留任 職涯發展


In recent years, turnover rates of staff have been high in disabled persons’ institutions, while the recruitment and retention of educare givers have been difficult. For institutions that rely on existing educare givers to remain in their posts, the duration of the service period reflects the educare givers’ physical exhaustion and having no successors due to their age and work contents. This is not only a personal crisis, but also gives rise to organizational operation and service quality plights. In view of this, the main objectives of this study are to gain an insight into the retention motivation and plights of educare givers in respective stages of their job post and to explore the factors that influence their career development and their expectations.   Qualitative research method was adopted in this study. Six respondents were interviewed. The study findings show that educare givers from day care service institutions faced with work contents, career stage changes, organizational management, and other factors throughout the different stages. These would change their retention intention and professional career development. Meanwhile, the organizational and personal responses also led to the formation of educare givers’ career decisions and development expectations. In order to strengthen educare givers’ retention in the organization and career development, this study suggests: on a personal level, self-care and empowerment should be given emphasis so that educare givers can maintain service momentum in a state of physical and mental health; on an organizational aspect, support strategies for different stages of the job post are provided to extend career development opportunities; on policy, a professional and occupational safety system should be established. Finally, it is expected that a better work environment and professional values are built in all aspects to increase educare givers’ retention intention and obtain appropriate career development within an organization.


Educare Giver Retention Career Development


